(Abjuration, Conjuration/Summoning)
Area: The wall is
of maximum proportions of 4' wide per level of experience of the spell
and 2' high per level of
Effect: The prismatic
wall spell is similar to the prismatic sphere
spell (q.v.).
It differs only in that
the spell creates a wall, or curtain, of scintillating colors.
ADQ: Could an illusionist cast a Prismatic
Wall on a creature? Would the
creature take 70 HPs, death, petrification,
etc.? Would the creature get a
save or would the illusionist
have to roll "to hit" the creature?
ADA: A creature might be caught inside
the Wall when it goes up, but it will suffer
no ill effects. The Prismatic Wall affects
only those entering it -- there is no effect
on a creature already inside.
(Polyhedron #18)
Originally Posted by Edena_of_Neith
(loved those Capital One
commercials ...)
Gary, since you gave the answer you did above, I wish to ask three questions I would not have otherwise asked.
We know of the Prismatic
Spells: Prismatic Spray (7th), Prismatic Wall (8th), and Prismatic Sphere
In Dragon Magazine, they
introduced Jaran's Prismatic Sword. It was 9th level. I disagreed with
that assessment, thinking it should have been higher. What would it have
been in your game?
And (rather obviously) Prismatic
Plate Armor (or, just plain Prismatic Armor) comes to mind.
What level would it be?
If there is Prismatic Sword, perhaps there is Prismatic Bow (and Arrows) or Prismatic Bolts (1 bolt per level!) What level would this spell be?
Incidentally, in 2nd Edition
they created spells of 10th, 11th, and 12th level. But the increase in
spell power was not linear. It was exponential.
In the case of the above
questions, I am assuming (hopefully correctly) you go by a linear approach,
so no analogy to the 2nd edition spells is drawn here.
Those are tough questions
for which I have no ready answer.
I don't recall the Prismatic Sword and its powers, so I can say only that and non-mage-use item involving the prosmatic magical effects would be quite extraordinary and difficult to forge, as the basis is Illusion coupled with the Plane of Radiance and Light.
While I do go with a linear progression, I don't think that would apply to prismatically charged items. If they could be made at all, I believe that those of considerabole power would be akin to artifacts in reagrds their level.
Of course I am not actually
setting about the description of any such items, just offering suggestions
off the cuff
Originally Posted by Edena_of_Neith
Jaran's Prismatic Sword
(or Blade, not sure which at the moment) created a sword that only the
mage could wield. It automatically inflicted all the damage of a Prismatic
Sphere if it hit (10 damage + 20 + 40 + save versus death, spell, wand,
breath weapon), each and every time it hit. It lasted 1 round (minute)
per level.
It also blinded all beings
of 6 hit dice (or was it 8?) who looked at it and failed their save (including
the mage's allies, if applicable.)
A powerful spell!!
Thanks for the comments. I was just curious. Fortunately for my characters, no NPC out there started firing Prismatic Arrows at them! <smile>
That Prismatic Sword is a blasted artifact that a deity along hould weild <EEK!>
Originally Posted by Edena_of_Neith
Yeah. It was sorta the AD&D
lightsabre, as it were. The ultimate weapon.
It was in Dragon #241.
Thanks again!
A suitable weapon for munchkin
power gamers everywhere