Projected Image
(Alteration, Illusion/Phantasm)

L^: i5
R#: (1/2")*
D^: S
C^: v.s.m
CT: 5
S^: None
A^: S

Effect: Except as shown above, this spell is the same as the sixth level MU spell project image (q.v.).

Bombay wrote:

Situation #1
We are fighting a mage, what we thought was a mage, but really is just a Project Image.
Realizing what it was, the group trys to dispell, but fails.
The following round one of the players cast Wall of Force around the Project Image.
I argued since Wall of Force cannot allow magic to go in and out, that it basically nullifies the spell.
But the other says that since it is an illusion, it can still walk through the wall.

#1: The projectide image is the source of the actual m-u's magic, so the wall of force would block it from emmanating from that image.
Of course the m-u could still CAST effectively in person.