Protection From Normal Missiles

L^: mu3, wj3
R#: T
D^: 1t*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 3
S^: None
A^: Creature touched

Effect: By means of this spell, the M-U bestows total invulnerability to hurled and projected missiles such as arrows, axes, bolts, javelins, small stones and spears.

Furthermore, it causes a reduction of 1 from each die of damage inflicted by large and/or magical missiles such as
ballista missiles, catapult stones, and magical arrows, bolts, javelins, etc.

Effect.exception: Note, however, that this spell does not convey any protection from such magical attacks as fireballs,
lightning bolts, or magic missiles.

MC: A piece of tortoise || turtle shell.

Wu Jen: The wu jen wielding this spell bestows upon the recipient absolute protection from normal hurled and projected missiles,
and reduces the damage from large and magical missiles by 1 point per die of damage.
The spell offers no protection from missiles conjured by spell.

Wu Jen.MC: A piece of turtle shell.

WSG: A character or creature who
receives the benefit of this spell is prevented from being harmed
by hailstones, a sandstorm, or any other missile-like natural phenomenon.
Although the recipient cannot be blinded by a sandstorm,
and in fact no sand will actually touch him, he is still limited
in visibility as much as an unprotected character is. The spell
does not negate any effects of very strong wind, such as a tornado;
a character can still be picked up and carried along by the
funnel cloud, but he will not take damage from collision with debris
that is also being carried along. The spell prevents a character
from suffering abrasion damage during a tumble, but does not
keep him safe from impact damage at the end of a fall or a tumble.
The protection field will not keep out natural lightning. It will
keep a character safe from being burned by lava during a volcanic
eruption, but will not protect him from radiant heat that can
also cause damage at such a time.
