
L^: mu7
R#: T
D^: P
C^: v.s.m+reincanation+limited wish
S^: None
A^: One creature

Effect.summary: By means of this spell the magic-user is able to create a duplicate of any creature.

Effect: The spell creates the form of the creature [from ice II snow],
    but it is only a zombie-like creature [until reincarnation & limited wish are cast on the simulacrum].

The duplicate appears exactly the same as the real, [but] there are differences:
    the simulacrum will have only 51% to 60% (50% + 1% to 10%) of the hit points of the real creature,
    there will be personality differences [the limited wish only duplicates 40% to 65% of the personality],
    there will be areas of knowledge which the duplicate does not have
        [the limited wish only duplicates 40% to 65% of the knowledge].
At all times the simulacrum remains under the absolute command of the magic-user who created it,
    although no special telepathic link exists,
        so command must be exercised in the normal manner.

The level, if any, of the simulacrum, will be from 20% to 50% of the original creature.
The simulacrum has no ability to become more powerful,
i.e. it cannot increase its levels or abilities.

Spell.detect magic: A detect magic spell will instantly reveal it as a simulacrum,

Spell.true seeing: as will a true seeing spell.

Spell.reincarnation: A reincarnation spell must be used to give the duplicate a vital force, wish: and a limited wish spell must be used to empower the duplicate with 40% to 65% (35% + 5% to 30%)
of the knowledge and personality of the original.

MC: The duplicate creature is formed from ice or snow.
The spell is cast over the rough form, and some piece of the creature to be duplicated must be placed inside the snow or ice.
Additionally, the spell requires powdered ruby.

<image: what was that Conan comic? "sometimes, it is better to forget">

Q: How can damage to a simulacrum
be repaired? Will cure wounds,
raise dead, or resurrection spells
work? If a simulacrum is slain, does
it return to a pile of snow?
A: The various cure wounds spells will not
work on a simulacrum; raise dead and
resurrection will not work either, as the
simulacrum was never alive. Whether or
not a slain simulacrum crumbles into a
pile of snow when killed is up to the DM?
we recommend yes. Damage to a simulacrum
might be repairable if the DM allows
it. We suggest a new seventh-level spell for
this purpose (or a recasting of the simulacrum
spell strictly for purposes of repair)
or perhaps a magical tome. The costs of
repair should be from 300 to 500 gp per
hit point in any case.

Q: Can a magic-user use magic jar to
transfer his own essence into a
A: Yes, but only after the simulacrum has
been given a vital force with a resurrection
spell. The attempt at magic jar is then
resolved normally.