Credits & Acknowledgements



The following is an alphabetical list of all those persons who in some way contributed to the formation of this work. Naturally,
each did not make an identical contribution, and those with whom I normally play AD&D, as well as those kind enough to
review the initial manuscript, had more influence and engendered more ideas than did those others with whom I do not
have the privilege of continued close association or contact. Nonetheless, all are herewith credited and thanked, trusting that
each will know what his or her own contribution was! Peter Aronson, Brian Blume, Mike Carr, Sean Cleary, Jean-Louis
Fiasson, Ernie (the well-known Barbarian) Gygax, Luke Gygax, Al Hammack, Neal Healey, Tom Holsinger <Training, Dragon #10>, Harold Johnson,
Timothy Jones, Tim Kask, Rick Krebs, Len Lakofka, Jeff Leason, Steve Marsh, Schar Niebling, Will Niebling, Jon Pickens,
Gregory Rihn, John Sapienza, Lawrence Schick, Doug Schwegman, Dennis Sustare, Jack Vance, James M. Ward, Jean Wells,
and Skip Williams.

Also to be thanked are those uncounted DMs and players who have been eager to improve adventure gaming and have
spent their valuable time to give me the benefit of their thinking by letter or through personal contact at conventions. Your
efforts to find ways to do things better, to point out ambiguities or flaws, and general desire to aid and encourage me are appreciated!

Bob Bledsaw of Judges Guild must also be given credit. He and his associates have certainly contributed to the overall
improvement of fantasy adventure gaming, making the undertaking easier and encouraging still more interest in role

Finally, no list of credits would be complete unless I especially thanked the artists who have been so much help with the
entire compilation of ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. These artists are Dave Sutherland and Dave Trampier. Thank
you, gentlemen!

If by any chance I have neglected anyone, please forgive me, as the task of finishing the DUNGEON MASTERS GUIDE has
taken some two years; and during that time I have read hundreds of pages of suggestions, done thousands of pages of re-
~ searching, and written about twelve hundred pages of manuscript. A job begun in 1976, often interrupted, has at last been
completed. Notes made months or years ago have a way of getting lost in the last minute rush at the finish.

MIKE CARR + <editor>
ERNIE (the well-known Barbarian) GYGAX +
    Training (The Dragon #10)
    Strength Comparison Table (The Dragon #26)
    Smaller than man-sized weapons table (The Dragon #29)
    2nd outside commentator for the DMG draft (35.3)
    1st outside commentator for the DMG draft (35.3)
    City-State of the Invincible Overlord (Mayfair Games)

    See the AD&D National Player Rating System +
    Appendix D (Updated by Gary)


Black, Blashfield +
Zeb (Cook, David) +
Elmore, Larry +
Kuntz, Robert +
Mohan, Kim +
Niles, Douglas +
Raupp, Roger +


The priest of the Ka would bring beer and donuts to the deceased.  Err, bread and beer.

Respecting the funerary beliefs and practices of all faiths, I want to encourage people to learn about the original AD&D creators.  To remember their Names forever!
The us vs. them situation in 2024 is insane.  Demented slander and libel against the creators.  Of course, the TSR folk were not perfect, and some of them even smoked tobacco!
I am of the firm belief that Gary Gygax should be honored, both for his incredible achievement, and, for bringing happiness and joy to 1 million people in the 1980s.

weasel fierce wrote:
Here's one:

Do you recall who came up with the funny little joke pictures in the AD&D DMG ?

Not really, but...

That sort of thing was usually the work of Dave Sutherland (DCS III).


TheDungeonDelver wrote:

If I may, that's the artwork of Bill McClean (or is it McLean) who also did similar cartoons for Sir-Tech's Wizardry! I: The Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord. I'm so glad I have that collection of games and the manual(s)...

Cleric, casting W!'s equivalent of a Bless spell: "MATU!"
Fighter involved in melee in front of cleric: "...gezundheidt..."

That might be, but...

No person of that name worked for TSR, so the cartoons must have been mailed in.


Handy Haversack wrote:
Hi Gary,

I was doing a bit of inspirational reading in the preface to the AD&D PHB last night and noticed that you thanked one Dennis Sustare.
I was wondering if you could tell us who this fellow was, in terms of his connection to D&D, and whether he granted his name to the seventh-level druid spell Chariot of Sustarre. Thanks.



Dennis sent in the material that was used to make the druid a class rather than a sort of evil human monster as it had been in the OD&D game. The spell in question was ondeed named in his honor.


gideon_thorne wrote:
And people say you had no influence on the game. *impish grin*


Such people surely don't know who wrote D&D and created AD&D then...


"Also some of the spells and magic items found in the game were inspired from one or another of Jack Vance’s works.
Notable are the Imprisonment and Evard’s Black Tentacles spells.
The latter was devised after reading the short story, “The Bagful of Dreams” in FLASHING SWORDS #4 published in 1977 —
not in time for my work on the Player’s Handbook but added to it later in the Unearthed Arcana supplement." - Gary Gygax, Jack Vance and the D&D game

Evard is an NPC of the Greyhawk campaign. - D68.24

Originally posted by JeffB
Hello Mr. Gygax,

I'm curious if you still have any relationships/contact with m/any of the ex TSR staffers? (besides Rob)..people like Jim Ward, "Zeb" Cook, Dave Sutherland, Tom Moldvay, Jeff Dee, Allen Hammack, Lawrence Schick, etc. ..many of the folks who contributed to /worked during (what I consider) TSR's "glory days" (at least as far as product quality goes, I realize now what tough times there were).

No, I don't see any of those individuals. Haven't been in contact with Rob in about six months--that's when he moved and went off line.

Jim Ward is not far off, in Elkhorn, but he is busy, and so I don't get a chance to speak with him often let alone play in his campaign--which I would enjoy.

Frank Mentzer is way up north in Minoqua, Wisconsin where he assists his wife run a really excellent bakery I haven't been up there for almost two years now, but maybe this fall. 

That's it.


Originally posted by JeffB
2) Are there any of the people I mentioned that you have not had contact w/ in many years that you would like to get together with and BS, or play a game with? IOW, who were some of the folks you really enjoyed working and/or gaming w/ at TSR who seemingly have dropped off the face of the earth? (so to speak). Not Rob, Frank, and Jim, but some of the others (if any).

Thank you again.

The short answer is none. I do get together with Francois MArcela Froideval every couple of years, and we remain in touch via email and telephone. He is the only one of the former writers from TSR that was omitted from my list. There are a number of players from my campaign, or met at conventions, that I enjoy encountering online, via email, or in person--and that I manage pretty well.

My main creative contacts these days are with writers with whom I am currently working, and those are quite stimulating and enjoyable.


Originally Posted by Mark
Perhaps a thought or two on the passing of David C. Sutherland III when you can, Papa G.?
Yes, although I had generally wished to remain silent. Paul Stromberg's excellent eulogy says much, and I have sent it to my lists, psoted it on the boards.

My son Luke emailed me when he got his copy of the notice, recalling how he and Dave, at Ernie's instigation, used to play rough-house when he was a very small lad. I have many fond memories of Dave, personal, gaming, and business related.

I mentioned elsewhere how much I loved his making fun of me in cartoons, sitting at my desk with a whip in one hand and my finger on the panic button. Most of my Empire of the Petal Throne gaming memories include Dave Sutherland.

Although we were not in touch for the last years, I prayed nightly for him ever since I learned of his critical illness. Ah well, man is an exhalation...

That's about all I have to say.


Originally Posted by ColonelHardisson
Dave's art was pretty ubiquitous in the very early days of D&D, or so it seems to me. In a number of ways, it defined a certain "feel" for the game. Gary, how important to you was art back then, when it came to getting the D&D game together? Do you have any favorite pieces from that time period - namely, the early to mid 70s? Any that you feel exemplify what you were going for with the game?


An art critic I ain't <confused>

What I wanted was cover art that would attract attention to the product, interior illos that were useful to the DM or otherwise attractive/amusing to the reader.

My favorite artist of the time period in question was Dave Trampier. I was always after him to quit re-working his stuff, for he was seldom satisfied with a fine rendition, would keep on and often get a less attractive end result.

Anyway, I surely to wish Tramp would pick up his brishes and palet again.


Originally Posted by Blair Goatsblood
Gary, do you have any antectdotes or commentary regarding the artist Erol Otus and his works?

Other than that I told him his work was too cartoonish for my taste, no.

My idea of exciting fantasy illustration is more akin to the sort of wotk Dave Trampier did, as well as the later TSR top artists such as Caldwell, Elmore, etc.


Originally Posted by Blair Goatsblood
Ah, so you like having some eye-candy in your fantasy illustration... 

Such illustrations are in the same vein as Li'l Abner in the newspapers, what graced the covers and interiors of the old pulp magazines I loved so well, Virgil Finlay's wonderful art especually, not to mention the EC comics line and Wallace Wood's illustrations, the Frazetta and Hildebrant covers. All part of action-adventue fandom I should suppose 


Ahoy Grodog!

Likely Sutherland and Mike Carr were the ones that did the layout and editing for the DMG. Mike is still around, so check with him.


Originally Posted by thedungeondelver


Are you still in touch with Al Hammack?
Can you tell us about his contributions to D&D?


I have not seen or heard from Al Hammack for at least 20 years.
Al was one of the U of Alabama Wargaming Team, J.D. Webster amongst them, that first came to see us at TSR at a Winter Fantasy around 1978.
They were a great bunch, and all of us took an immediate likeing to them.

As for Al's contributions to the D&D game, those are recorded, and I won't attempt to strain my recollection in that regard.



James M: 3. Gary Gygax thanks you by name for your contributions to the AD&D Dungeon Masters Guide. Do you recall what you contributed to this book?

Lawrence Schick: When I started work at TSR in January of 1979 Gygax handed me this huge, sprawling, unorganized manuscript and said, “Here’s the Dungeon Masters Guide – edit this.” So I did. There were a few things he wanted to include that he didn’t particularly want to write; for those parts he told me what he wanted, and I wrote them. Unfortunately I don’t have a copy of the original DMG at hand – I lost all my D&D stuff in my recent divorce – but I recall writing the Example of Play, some of the advice for Dungeon Masters, and a number of other bits here and there. But it was all under Gary’s direction, and he certainly deserves all the credit.

- Grognardia (Interview: Lawrence Schick)


James M: 3. You're thanked by name in both the AD&D Players Handbook and Dungeon Masters Guide.
Were there any specific contributions you made to the writing or development of either?

Skip Williams: In the early days of D&D, everybody did things his own way. I was involved in several campaigns in my high school days and I essentially found a different version of the game in each. I used to have talks with Gary about how the game ought to work (often during commercial breaks for televised football games). We talked about everything from how spells are cast and aimed to how much a DM ought to manipulate events in a campaign. It was those talks, I'm sure, that Gary was thinking of when he named me a contributor.

- Grognardia (Interview: Skip Williams)

Credits & Acknowledgements