Encounter Reactions

Awaiting Action
Encounter Reactions 
(Alternate Method)

Any intelligent creature which can be conversed with will react in some
way to the character thot is speaking.

Reaction is determined by rolling percentile dice,
adjusting the score for charisma && applicable loyalty adjustment
as if the creature were a henchman of the character speaking, and
the modified score of the percentile dice is compared to the table below:

Adjusted Die Score Reaction
01 (or less)-05 Violently hostile, immediate attack*
06-25 Hostile, immediate action*
26-45 Uncertain but 55% prone toward negative
46-55 Neutral - uninterested - uncertain
56-75 Uncertain but 55% prone toward positive
76-95 Friendly, immediate action
96-00 (or greater) Enthusiastically friendly, immediate acceptance

* Or morale check if appropriate

1. roll d%
2. apply your Comeliness modifier, or, your Charisma modifier, as appropriate
3. apply your personality adjustments
4. apply the target's personality adjustments
5. length of enlistment or association ?
6. enlistment or association (+5% default)
7. training or status level
8. pay or treasure shared
9. discipline/activity
10. general treatment
11a. racial preference for the speaker
11b. racial preference for the speaker's party
12a. alignment factors of the speaker
12b. alignment factors of the speaker's party
13. alignment of the liege
14. situation modifiers


TALK(enter species language here, if there is one)

01 (or less)-05 ATTACK!
06-25 HOSTILE (morale success = ATTACK, morale failure = WAIT & no more TALK)
14-25 UNCERTAIN^ (01-55 = HOSTILE)
46-55 WAIT (the monster ignores you)
56-75 UNCERTAIN^ (46-00 = FRIENDLY)
76-95 FRIENDLY (casts healing spells, gives water, gives food)
96-00 (or greater) HELPFUL (casts healing spells, invite to lair, give treasure, gives water, gives food, joins party)

If TALK is chosen a second time, then apply Cha modifier, instead of Cha modifier.
    This time 01-55=HOSTILE, 56-00=NEUTRAL || 01-45=NEUTRAL, 46-00 = FRIENDLY.


* note standard total 'personality' (traits, etc. please ignore my(?) misnomer : everyone says personality, but psyche has 2 syllables)
** any common situational modifiers
        link to Racial Preferences, or paste the line from the table
        gift modifiers (TRADE)
        animal intelligence creatures don't usually talk with their dinner (listed prey)
*** any special situational modifiers
        do ettins generate 2 reaction rolls?
        griffons are "agressive carnivores"
            (UA: use the obviously superior  force equation :
            total the number of griffon attacks, and compare to the number of attacks in the PC party.
            I had thought about totalling the number of 5' cubes.
            I don't know which would be easier (game school).
            cubes might be easier, as the number there is constant.
            overall, the mathematical difference might not be that great.
            'less than 2%'?)
    griffons won't TALK if they smell horseflesh
        copper dragons and hobbits, re-roll the first 05(or less, incl. modifiers)

again, it should be emphasized that these tables are templates, not rules!
maybe a special template symbol, character, etc., used throughout the books.
the idea (tabletop) is to save time (easy, playability) ... but not at the expense of people's creativity, and DM judgement
the idea (computer) is to ready templates for UA source code
TALK needs to be made a viable option, with the potential for ...

Just an alternate idea (55% of 20 (26-45 or 56-75) is 11)
01 (or less)-05 Attack!
06-36 Hostile
36-55 Neutral
65-95 Friendly
96-00 (or greater) Helpful

01 (or less)-05 ATTACK = 
06-25 HOSTILE = 
14-25 UNCERTAIN = 
46-55 WAIT = 
56-75 UNCERTAIN = 
76-95 FRIENDLY = 
96-00 (or greater) HELPFUL = 

notes (wild cattle)
if the monster has surprise, or init., what happens?
D, unmodified? D, only with modifier for race?
default = WAIT (could be ignore, etc.) for animals?

as far as i know, this is how TALK works:
the monsters respond and interact only with the ACTIVE character.
for table top play, you could have a speaking stick (something around the size of a licorice root), or something like that.

Length of Association (DMG.240)
as far as i know, each TALK(encounter reaction) check generates relationship data
    RELATIONSHIP.activecharacter [last TALK base score, start date]
to keep it simple, just measure Length of Association from when the NPC is first encountered
    in other words, [current date] - [start date] = Length of Association

an easier way, following the above idea, is to give each party a #.
If THE MONSTERS WIN!, or the party disbands (everyone is DROPPED from the party), then that # becomes 0.
After a TALK encounter,
    RELATIONSHIP.partynumber [last TALK base score, start date] is what gets logged.
When that creature is encountered again, .partynumber gets compared.
If it's the same, then the [last TALK base score, start date] is referenced.

another school of thought would be : generate a new encounter reaction each time.
however, this would go against the grain of playability.
from a tabletop perspective, it's easier to just pencil in Friend, or Foe, instead of generating all those numbers.

CHA & Com are not a dump stats!
However, do nothing to dispel these illusions ...

It is alwoys possible to flee from on undesired confrontation if the other
party is surprised. It is never possible to flee from on encounter where the
opponent party is in striking range.
(See Breaking Off From Melee, below.)
A party can always flee an encounter if it gains the first initiotive.
Whether or not the opponent party will follow in pursuit of the fleeing party depends on the following factors:

1. What you, the Dungeon Master, have stoted in your key concerning the party, if applicable.
This is first and foremost in ALL cases.

2. What the stated characteristics of the creature(s) involved are.
That is, if player characters, do they say they will pursue,
or if monsters,
does their description say that they will always seek to pursue?

3. Obvious deterrents to pursuit, such as a pool of flaming oil, a secured
portal, etc. will modify monster behavior accordingly.

4. Fleeing party behavior and/or possessions noted by the opponent party will modify pursuit desire.

5. Relative speed will cause the pursuing party to cease fruitless chase if they are obviously being outdistanced
(except if the pursuers are player characters who must state they are halting such chase).

6. Otherwise 50% of the time (d6, 1-3 = pursuit, 4-6 = break off pursuit)

Upon encountering another party, the party with initiative con always
elect to attempt some form of communication. This can be a friendly
gesture, a throwing down of arms, offering of treasure, or some spoken
word or phrase. Just what this effect will be is determinable only by the
DM considering the prevailing circumstances. It is safe to say that a group
of elves attempting to parley with a red dragon will find their efforts
generally unsuccessful unless they also have some obvious advantage
which the dragon is aware of. It is common for player characters to attack
first, parley ofterwards. It is recommended that you devise encounters
which penalize such action so as to encourage parleying attempts ~
which will usually be fruitless, of course!

Originally Posted by airwalkrr
Random musing I thought I'd share. Was just reading through the AD&D DMG (1e) and noticed the following on page 63 in the Combat section: "It is common for player characters to attack first, parley afterwards. It is recommended that you devise encounters which penalize such action so as to encourage parleying attempts -- which will usually be fruitless, of course!"

This is exactly the kind of evil DM stuff that I thought made AD&D great and one of the things that makes 3e not so much fun. This is coming from someone whose experience is 90% as a DM of course so your mileage may vary. But I enjoy games where the PCs always face an uphill battle. It keeps the game challenging and unexpected, which I think is healthy.

Heh, Airwalker,

You will get no argumant from me in this regard 

BTW, the rare occassion when conversing first and attacking later is what needs be done keeps the players on their mental toes.


Awaiting Action:
This is self-explanatory, not an attempt to parley but neither an attack. It is seldom utilized by experienced adventurers.
