
MOVE Charge Breaking Off from Melee - -
AIM (Melee) Strike Blows Weaponless Combat: Pummel, Grapple, Overbear Non-Lethal Combat: Subdual, Vanquishing, Disarming -
AIM (Missile) - - - -
VIEW - - - -
USE - - - -
CAST Spell Casting During Melee Meleeing an Opponent Spell Caster - -
TURN Turning Undead - - -
GUARD Set Weapons Against Possible Opponent Charge - - -
QUICK - - - -
DELAY - - - -
VIEW - - - -
SPEED - - - -
END - - - -


Encounters, Combat, and Initiative
Encounter Reactions
Missile Discharge
Grenade-Like Missiles
Spell Casting During Melee
Turning Undead
Further Actions
Morale Scores
Pursuit and Evasion of Pursuit
Non-Lethal and Weaponless Combat Procedures
Combat Tables
Attack Matrices
Assassin's Table for Assassinations
Attack Matrix for Monsters
Creatures Struck Only By Magic Weapons
Matrix for Clerics Affecting Undead
Psionic Combat Tables
Psionic Combat Notes
Saving Throw Matrices
Saving Throws
Magic Armor and Saving Throws
Progression on the Combat Tables
Hit Points
Effects of Alcohol and Drugs
Recovery from Intoxication
Athena (goddess of combat)

Hi Jesse,

I was thinking of how were in a DM-like role when you posed the questions, and that's why I mentioned the dramatic aspect.

No matter what a designer does in regard to managing combat, there is going to be a number of players who dislike it.
With some systems it's the majority of gamers, with others it's a minority of some size, small or large.
In all cases each system will have its stalwart champions and vocal opponents.
Rest assured that I was not in defensive mode when i read and responded to you.
What I posted was simply the straight-forward reasoning I used in arriving at the system that I did, and why I did so.

In the Lejendary Adventure game I used a different method,
but one that is also streamlined and not a step-by-step attempt to re-inact hand-to-hand combat with weapons generally of the medieval period.
As i mentioned before, when creatures with natural weapons are thrown into such a calculation, the variables one needs to consider make it a nigh impossible exercise.
Magical elements compound the difficulties even further.

If you devise a fast-paced combat system that includes the major elements of actual fighting in armor with the various weapons usual,
including monsters and magical attacks and defenses, hats off, and I think the gamers will beat a path to your door 



Originally Posted by RFisher
Well, sure. But wasn't the question asking why OAD&D combat wasn't more simple rather than why it wasn't more complex?

Perhaps, but I read it as questioning the doubling up on AC and HP benefits in combat, and not have more realism in the system.

You are correct about the need for keeping combat abstract in the RPG.
Every complication demands more rules and explanations, more time spent resolving combat, that's fine for a military or dueling simulation, but not in an RPG where there are so many other things to do besides killing things 



Howdy Drifter Bob,

When a search for realistic combat mechanics begins,
the challenge of devising a system that meets the "realism" required (that measure being totally subjective) that does not extend the time and effort necessary to resolve the matter becomes highly problematic.

Having rules that require players' characters to do something that the player does not wish seems to me to be the antithesis of role-playing--aside from the compulsions of the occasional casting of magic spells that force such compliance and where saving throws are allowed.

None the less, individual taste can not be disputed.
Good luck in your quest for the perfect combat resolution system.
If you devise something that meets that measure broadly, it will likely revolutionize the whole of the approach to RPGs.
However, any rules governing how a character must specifically act in key situations move the game system away from role-playing.



Drifter Bob,

To cut to the chase here, for I haven't the time to spare for more point-by-point reply to so long a missive,
in my considered opinion detailed "realistic" combat rules are a detriment to the RPG, not a benefit.
There is already undue stress placed upon combat as the central theme of the game form, while it is in fact only one of several key elements.
The designer would better serve the audience by stressing the other elements than would be dine by spending yet more content space on detailing fighting.
