'Heres Gary!'
Dear Editor:

My friends and I have been playing D&D for
about a year now (hardly worthy of the title
“novice”), but if there’s one thing we’ve learned
about D&D, TSR, etc., it’s the name Gary Gygax.
We all have a copy of the Monster Manual, Players
Handbook, a few issues of The Dragon, 43
pounds of figurines, one or two supplements, and
almost all of the modules. (Pretty good for one
year, huh?)

Anyway, after buying all this material, we were
all more than a little bit curious about the man
himself. We were all set to go to a convention last
year, and we all had our hopes up, (about seeing
Mr. Gygax, I mean) but the gas shortage
grounded us. Well, the bottom line is, we were all
wondering if you could print a small picture of him
in one of those out-of-the-way page corners in
your next issue.

This may all seem very silly to you, but it’s
important to us.

Sam Vaughn—NJ
(The Dragon #33)

Actually, your request is not all that silly. Since
Gary has come from the relative obscurity of his
shoe repair shop in his basement to the forefront
of the gaming hobby, only convention-goers, and
those who saw him on Tom Snyder’s show in
November, have any idea of what he looks like. In
the November issue, we ran some pictures of the 
winners of the SC Awards, and Gary was one of

them, tho the likeness was less than perfect.

To remedy that, we present the following:


"Gary and his friend"
It's up to you to figure out who is which, so to
(Tim Kask)
(The Dragon #33)

Credits & Acknowledgements

tables : can be done standing up

issues : accuracy, speed, touch, vision
accuracy : i want no mistakes (the math must be 100%!)
speed : there are more fun things in life than entering numbers into a computer
touch : i don't want any more carpal tunnel or arthritis (thanks, no!)
vision : keep eyes on the screen, not on the keyboard!

[add posture : straight spine!]

