Beaker of Plentiful Potions

XP: 1500
GP: 12,500 
Miscellaneous Magic
Magic Items

This container resembles a iug or flask. It is a
magical beaker with alchemical properties which compound from 2-5 <01-65 = III.A.> <66-00 = III.A2.>
doses of from 2-5 potions of any sort as initially determined by random
selection. Different potion sorts are layered in the container, and each
pouring takes 1 round and spills forth 1 dose of 1 potion type. Roll d4, + 1,
to find the number of potions the beaker contains. Roll for each potion
contained so as to find what it is - delusion and poison are possible -
and record type by order of occurrence. Duplication is possible. If the
container holds only 2 potions it will dispense them 1 each per day, 3 times
per week; if 3 are contained, it will dispense them 1 each per day, 2 times
per week; and if 4 or 5 are contained it will pour each forth but 1 time per
week. Once opened, the beaker will gradually lose the ability to produce
potions. This reduction in ability results in the permanent loss of one potion
type per month.
