Ring of Warmth
A warmth ring provides its wearer with body heat even in conditions of extreme cold where the wearer has no clothing whatsoever.
It also provides restoration of cold-sustained damage at the rate of 1 HP of damage per turn.
It increases save vs. cold-based attacks by +2 and reduces damage sustained
by -1 per die.
WSG: This ring provides the same benefits as a protection
from cold scroll does.
Q. If a Ring of Warmth and a Ring
of Fire Resistance are
worn at the same time, will the effects be cancelled,
reduced or normal?
A. The effects of the 2 rings are
entirely normal. While they both
function during extreme temperature
conditions, they work at opposite
ends of the scale, and so their effects
do not overlap. Don't forget that it is
only possible to wear 2 rings at
once and still have them operate.
Toes and pierced ears will not do.
(Imagine #5)