Robe of Scintillating Colors~~


Enc.: 2.5 (worn), 5 (folded)
XP: 2,750
GP: 25k
Class: C, M
Miscellaneous Magic
<8Magic Items8>

This garment appears quite normal, but a magic aura is detectable.
Unless the wearer has an intelligence of 15 or higher and a wisdom of 13 or more, he or she will be unable to cause a robe of scintillating colors to function.

If intelligence and wisdom are sufficient, the wearer can cause the garment to become a shifting pattern of incredible hues,
color after color cascading from the upper part of the robe to the hem in sparkling rainbows of dazzling light.

Although this effect sheds light in a 40' diameter sphere,
it also has the powers of {hypnotizing}opponents and causing them to be unable to attack the wearer. <note: closer in effect to a rainbow pattern>
It requires a full round for the wearer to cause the colors to begin "flowing" on the robe, but each round that they scintillate and move,
any opponent not making its save vs. Magic (or MR check, then save) will stand transfixed for 2-5 rounds, hypnotized,
and even when this effect wears off,
additional saves must again be made in order to successfully attack.

Furthermore, every round of continuous scintillation of the robe makes the wearer 5% more difficult to hit with missile attacks or hand-held or body weaponry (hands, fists, claws, fangs, horns, etc.) until a maximum of 25% (-5) is attained -- 5 continuous rounds of the dazzling play of hues.

After the initial round of concealment, the wearer is able to cast spells or engage in all forms of activity which do not require movement of more than 1" from his or her starting position.

In non-combat situations, the robe will simply hypnotize creatures failing their saving throws versus magic for a period of 2-5 turns.
