the ability to see radiation in the infra-red
spectrum, <1>
is an ability possessed by most of the
creatures dwelling below ground &&
Some characters have this ability due to race || by magickal means.
as many characters can only see in light
which is normal to the human visual spectrum,
and mapping
requires light also,
some form of light generating device is
necessary for activities in dungeons
or @ night.
The table below gives the properties of the usual light sources:
Light Source | Radius of Illumination | Burning Time |
<***> ![]() |
40' | 6 turns (1 hour) |
Lantern | 30' | 24 turns* |
Bullseye Lanthorn | 80'** | 24 turns* |
Magic Dagger | 10' | infinite |
Magic Short Sword | 15' | infinite |
Magic Long Sword | 20' | infinite |
* illumination is from burning 1 pot (pint)
of fine oil <define "pint" in terms of AD&D
encumbrance: 1 pint = 1#?>
** illumination is 1" wide only and can
be masked by shutter.
<*** note: in D&D
Basic, a torch does 1-4 points of damage
when used as a melee weapon>
Q: Do normal weapons
Do magical swords glow all
the time?
Does a sword +2 shed more
light than a sword +1?
A: Only magickal swords
glow, but a sword
could be enchanted to glow
even if it had
no magical bonuses. (A light
or continual
light spell could be cast
on a normal weapon,
of course.) The DM decides
when a
magical sword glows. Many
DMs rule that
a sword will glow only when
it is in the
hands of its wielder; otherwise,
could spot magical swords
by their light.
The glow is not under the
wielder?s control,
however, unless the weapon?s
says it is. The size of
the sword, not
the swords combat bonuses,
how much light it sheds
(see the PH, page 102).
Vision && Visibility (WSG) +
Seker (god
of light)
(god of light)
(god of light)
Pelor (god
of light)
Reversible (c1,
only): Darkness
(mu, i: 1t*) |
Effect: This spell causes excitation of molecules so as to make them brightly luminous.
The light
thus caused is equal to torch light
in brightness, but its sphere is limited to 4” in diameter.
It lasts for the duration
(7 turns @ 1st xperience level, 8 @ 2nd,
9 @ 3rd. etc.)
or until the caster utters a word to xtinguish
the light.
<much of the above text
seems redundant>
<can all spells be cancelled
by their caster? is that an action?>
If this spell is CAST upon a creature,
the applicable MR && saving
throw dice rolls must be made.
Success indicates that the spell affects
the AREA immediately behind the creature,
rather than the creature itself.
In all other cases,
the spell takes effect where the caster
directs as long as he || she has a line of sight || unobstructed path for
the spell;
light can spring from
It should be noted that if this spell is CAST upon the visage or before
the visual organs of a creature,
it will tend to blind
it (rather as if a strong light were placed before its eyes), <l: blindness>
and its attacks &&
defenses will be a -4 on "to hit", saves,
and even AC.
Note also that the spell is not
although it can be
CAST upon a movable || mobile object || creature.
<1: spell
research note: see spectra>
Q: Can a light or
light spell
be used to negate the darkness
of a demon
|| devil?
A: Yes, on all counts.
Each of these spells
can negate darkness of any
sort, though a
light spell will "go out"
immediately after
negating such darkness,
while the continual
light spell will last. Light
or continual
light spell will negate
only one darkness
effect at a time; thus,
if there are two
darkness effects in the
same area, the area
remains dark until two light
effects are
The light
spell is reversible,
causing darkness
in the same AREA and under the same conditions,
except the blackness
persists for only one-half <(1/2)> the duration
that light would last.
of darkness>
<the above should
actually b moved to a separate page>