The listing below gives a representative sample of typical items that
might be found in a temple of some of the deities listed in this work.
Any worshipers or servitors of the temple should be keyed by the DM.
The DM should choose from the list to stock the temple,
using random selection only to fill in details or in spur-of-the-moment
Note that some of the items below will not be applicable to certain religions (e.g., no flame pits for living sacrifices in a LG temple).
- | - |
01-05 | altar |
06-07 | bells
08-09 | braziers |
10-11 | candlesticks |
12 | chalice |
13 | chimes |
14 | choir area |
15-16 | cassocks |
17-18 | cloth, altar |
19-22 | columns |
23-24 | crypts/floor marker stones |
25 | flame pit |
26-27 | font/immersion chamber |
28-29 | gong |
30-35 | holy/unholy books && tomes |
36-40 | holy/unholy inscriptions |
41-45 | holy/unholy symbols |
46 | holy/unholy treasure |
47-48 | holy/unholy weapons (non-magical) <+5 holy avenger, etc.> |
49-50 | idol/icon |
51-52 | incense burners |
53-54 | lectern |
55-56 | mosaics |
57-61 | offertory |
62-63 | paintings |
64 | pedal organ |
65-68 | pews |
69 | prayer wheels |
70-74 | pulpit |
75-79 | robes |
80 | sacrifice |
81-82 | sanctuary |
83 | scrolls <cleric scrolls> |
84-86 | shrine |
87 | stained glass |
88-91 | statue |
92-95 | tapestry |
96 | throne |
97-98 | vestry |
99-00 | vestments |
< | - | DDG | - | > |