FREQUENCY: Very rare <Common in Tarterus, Hades, and Gehenna ? links, if so>
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Dungeon Level IX])
NO. APPEARING: 1 (very rarely, 1-2)

MOVE: 12" / 36"
HIT DICE: 12 + 36 points
% IN LAIR: Nil
TREASURE TYPE: [Q] (x 10), [X]
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 <(huge horny fists)> or 1 weapon
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 9-16/9-16 or by weapon +8
INTELLIGENCE: Exceptional - genius
ALIGNMENT: Evil (neutral) <(Wicked & domineering)>
SIZE: L (about 8' tall and broad)
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: IX | 6,800 + 16

The race of nycadaemons are among the most powerful of the creatures native to the Middle Lower Planes.
Like their cousins the mezzodaemons, nycadaemons are common to the planes of Tarterus, Hades, Gehenna. <links>
Unlike their related creatures, they are also able to enter the 666 Layers of the Abyss and the 9 Hells as they will. <links>
Nycadaemons are avoided by all lesser creatures -- night hags, mezzodaemons, lesser and greater devils, and most demons --
for the race is totally wicked and domineering, caring not who or what they enslave or exploit, but always acting in an intelligent and carefully calculated manner aimed at maximising personal power and safety.
Thus, these creatures will co-operate with other evil beings and races whenever mutual actions are likely to prove beneficial to themselves.

Nycadaemons are very strong (comparable in strength to stone giants -- 20 strength) <alt> and gain +8 on damage, so blows from their huge horny fists inflict terrible punishment (9-16 hit points of damage each).
However, nycadaemons will employ suitably large magic weapons <l> in conjunction with a shield (c.f. mezzodaemon) <l/e>
whenever such weapons are available.
When using a weapon, these creatures have a +4 'to hit' bonus due to their strength.
<note at THACO, in statblock>

As nycadaemons are clever and capable, they can USE all sorts of magic items <l> appropriate to their size and nature.
These creatures have a graduated magic resistance which prevents low level magic from functioning except rarely,
and even higher level spell devices are likely to malfunction with distressing regularity, so nycadaemons typically shun all but the most powerful dweomered objects, --
some few miscellaneous objects, artifacts, relics and the like -- and enchanted weapons which have no magical projections to be affected by their multi-planar structure.
<this could be related to a magic item's aura strength : make a mirror note at mezzodaemon, when this is figured out>

The following powers can be used by nycadaemons:
    command three times per day,
    [dispel magic] twice per day,
    [dimension door] three times per day,
    gaseous form once per day, <link>
    [mirror image] (4 images) twice per day,
    [reverse gravity] twice per day,
    [wind walk] three times per day and
    [word of recall] once per day.
    <change three times per day to 3 per day, etc.>

They may also employ any one of the following powers once per round:
    [comprehend languages],
    [detect invisibility],
    [detect magic],
    [enlarge] (and reverse), <l>
    [fear] (by touch),
    invisibility (up to 10' radius),
    [polymorph self],
    [project image],
    [read magic],
        The telepathic ability of these creatures allows them to communicate on the telepathic level with creatures of intelligence low <l> or better.  <moved>

<for all of the above, note the form: C? MU?>
<use C as a default for all extra-planar monsters?>

Only weapons of +2 or greater enchantment will cause damage to nycadaemons.
Iron weapons and silver weapons do not harm these creatures, unless the weapons are enchanted as noted.
Paralysis and poisons (including all gases) have no effect on them,
and acids, cold and fire cause them only half normal damage.
They regenerate <l> 3 hit points of damage per turn (i.e. 0.3 hit points per melee round).
<perhaps, make a link at the DDG constitution table>

Nycadaemons are 100% resistant to magic of the first level,
and this resistance decreases in 5% increments (c.f. mezzodaemon), <e/l> to 60% at ninth level.
This is based upon 11th level of ability;
it decreases in 5% steps if the spell-caster is of 12th or greater level and increases by the same amount if the spell-caster is 10th level or lower.
Beguiling, charm and [suggestion] never affect the nycadaemon. <linx>

Examples: If a nycadaemon faces a 5th level spell from a 13th level [magic-user], its resistance is 80%-10% or 70%.
If a 10th level magic-user casts a 4th level spell at a nycadaemon, its resistance is 85%+5% = 90%.

The entire spectrum of radiation can be seen by nycadaemons (i.e. infrared, ultra-violet, X-rays, gamma rays etc.) <links, make GW note?>

Each nycadaemon has a personal Name <c> which they guard most carefully to avoid entrapment or servitude to some demon lord, arch devil or the like.

Aerial Combat: 36", class D. Though heavy, nycadaemons are powerful
flyers, and can build up great speed and momentum. They act much
like flying battering rams, striking for 2-12 points of damage when
they hit (or as much as 3-18 if they hit another flyer head-on, ihough
this will also damage the nycadaemon 1-4 points). A nycadaemon
will try to run its prey close to the ground and then close for a grapple.
The wings will be used to batter and confuse and slow their fall,
as it attempts to bring its opponent down to the ground where leverage
and its full physical strength <l> can be brought to [bear].

    by Gary Gygax