FREQUENCY: Very rare
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level V])

ARMOR CLASS: 2 and better
MOVE: 9"
% IN LAIR: Nil
TREASURE TYPE: Individuals [K] (x 2) and [Q] (x 3)
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 or 2
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (good tendencies) <11.15=>
SIZE: S (about 3' tall)
    Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
    3rd level: V | 325 + 5
    4th level: VI | 575 + 6
    5th level: VII | 1,025 + 8
    6th level: VII | 1,800 + 10

Far beneath the surface of the Earth<c> dwell the svirfnebli<UA>
-- the deep gnomes --
a race related to the gnomes of the bright world.
Small parties of these demi-humans roam here and there in the underworld mazes <DSG link?>
of small passageways, always in SEARCH of gem minerals. Their <check DSG tight squeeze rules>
realm is in a region unknown, but thought to consist of a closely-connected
series of vast caverns in which thousands of these diminuative creatures labour for their king.
Only males <gif> have ever been seen,
and those only in very deep places beneath the ground.

All males of the race are doughty fighters. <correct link> <bravery=brave>
For every <4> svirfnebli encountered, there will be an additional leader-type with hit dice 4+7.
If more than <20> normal deep gnomes are encountered there will be <1> additional 6th level fighter (hit dice 6+9) -- a burrow warden -- <make note at fighter table in PH, level titles>
with <2> <Swashbuckler (F5)> assaistants (hit dice 5+8).
It is 25% probable that a 6th level deep gnome will have <the> illusionist abilities of <a Qabalist (I5), Visionist (I6), or Phantasmist (I7)>. <hebrew font?> <in other words, a M-C F/I?>

Note that a deep gnome of 6th level, if not an illusionist, is 50% likely
to be able to summon an earth elemental. The type of earth elemental
which can be summoned is found on this table:
Die roll Elemental
1 24 hit dice earth elemental
2-6 16 hit dice earth elemental
7-10 12 hit dice earth elemental
11-15 8 hit dice earth elemental
16-18 xorn
19-20 summoning fails

Elemental summoning can be attempted once per day <(1 per day)> by a deep
gnome with the necessary power.

In addition to the abilities <semantics: special abilities?> given above, all the svirfnebli have the
following magical powers of illusionist nature:
    change self.
Each of these spell-like abilities can be used once per day <(1 per day)> by any deep gnome.
All these creatures radiate non-detection identical to the spell of the same name.

The deep gnomes wear leathern jacks sewn with rings of mithral-steel alloy over fine chainmail shirts.
They do not usually carry shields
as these devices would tend to hinder movement through the narrow corridors favoured by the svirfnebli.
For every level above 3rd, a svirfneblin's AC improves by 1 point -- i.e. a 4th level deep gnome has AC1,
5th level AC0 and 6th level AC-1.
<item=svirfneblin armor?>
<weapon vs. AC?>

These gnomes are typically armed with a non-magical +1 dagger and
a non-magical +1 pick (horseman's pick, for purposes of damage
assessment). Each individual also carries a pouch of special darts, <small pouch?>
7-10 hand-hurled missiles of about <9> inches in length, with a 40'
range and which inflict 1-3 hit points of damage. When one of these
darts strikes it is constructed so as to compact and break a small glass
bead containing a gas. Any creature struck on its front parts must save
against poison; if it fails, the puff of gas has reached the creature's
system and the creature will be stunned on the next round and slowed
for the <4> rounds following that. Deep gnomes above 3rd level also
carry 3-6 darts which contain an acid which eats a three-inch hole in
armour protection in 1 round, or inflicts an additional 2-8 hit points
of damage on non-protected targets (such as armour with holes, ring mail, chain mail, etc.)
A svirfneblin can hurl <2> darts in a single melee round.

Deep gnomes fight as fighters of the same level, but when hurling
darts they add +2 to hit probability.

Despite their metal armour and arms, these small and fast-moving
creatures are able to move very silently. They are 60% likely to be
unseen by any observer, even a kuo-toan, as deep gnomes are able to
'freeze' in place for long .periods.<> without any hint of movement. They
are surprised only 1 in 12 due to their keen hearing and smelling <DMG, DSG>
abilities<semantic: senses?>. They are likely to surprise opponents 90% of the time.

All deep gnomes are 20% magic resistant, gaining an extra 5% magic
resistance for each level they attain above 3rd. No illusion, phantasm or
hallucination is able to affect a svirfneblin's mind. Because of this
and their high wisdom, SPEED and agility, they make all saving throws <DEX>
at +3 except against poison when their bonus is +2.

The svirfnebli communicate with each other by a form of racial empathy when outside their domains.
They have their own language, a dialect of of gnomish which a gnormal gnome is 60% likely to understand.
Most deep gnomes are also able to converse in the underworld cant (the TRADE language) and
speak and understand a fair amount of kuo-toan and drow (tongues of their hated and feared enemies who, <talk/morale>
along with the mind-flayers, are the worst threat to any deep gnome gem-gathering expedition). All these small creatures can
converse with speaking creatures from the Elemental Plane of Earth and it is 90% unlikely that such a creature will harm a svirfneblin,
though the deep gnome might have to pay a heavy bribe in precious metal and gems so to escape.
<added to DMG>

Deep gnomes have [infravision] to 120' and can also see into the ultraviolet spectrum to a limited<Ltd.?> extent.
They have gnormal gnomish power with respect to determination of direction, distance beneath
the surface, and detection of slopes and unsafe walls, ceilings or floors (see ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS  PLAYERS HANDBOOK -- Character Races).
<edit/provide specifics>

FLEE: When being pursued by enemies, the svirfnebli will typically dash
into a secret escape passage tunnelled to their size. <DSG>
Larger escape routes used by the deep gnomes will be filled with covered pit traps and rock deadfalls. <provide specifics: see grugach for deadfalls>
A gnome<svirfneblin> leader is 75% likely to carry 3-12 small rock-like containers,
and these will be strewn in the path of pursuing foes
if no handy escape route is nearby. These crystals are crushed
when stepped on by any creature weighing more than 100 pounds,
and each releases a cloud of poison gas of about 10' diameter and
15' height. Any creature passing through such a gas cloud must save
versus poison or lose consciousness for 1-12 turns. The gas cloud
dissipates in 2 rounds.
<heading, link to DMG>

Deep gnomes will usually [aid] any non-enemy for a fee, and they <how much?>
will certainly help in fighting drow, kuo-toans or mind flayers,
providing there is a reasonable chance of defeating these mortal
enemies. They love gems and will take great risks in order to gain them.

Description: A svirfneblin is gnarled and very muscular. <S>
Skin [colour] is medium brown to brownish grey. <c>
Deep gnomes have grey eyes and tend to be bald. <c>


    by Gary Gygax


Burrow Warden

FREQUENCY: Very rare
MOVE: 9"
% IN LAIR: Nil
TREASURE TYPE: Individuals [K] (x 2) and [Q] (x 3)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (good tendencies) <11.15=>
SIZE: S (about 3' tall)
    Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VII | 1,800 + 10