FREQUENCY: Very rare <(Underground lakes & caverns)>
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level VII])

MOVE: 3" // 18"
% IN LAIR: 20%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 4 <(Tentacles)>
SPECIAL ATTACKS: See description
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
    Attack/Defense Modes: C, D, E / G, I, J
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VII | 1275 + 10

The aboleth is an amphibious creature that dwells in underground lakes & caverns.
Intelligent, it hates most land-going life & seeks methods <TALK>
to enslave or destroy the beings of the surface world. The race is <race: class potential?>
extremely long-lived and has collected a great deal of knowledge more <age=x?>
ancient than man. It is perhaps better that men do not know these
ancient secrets, for these are rumoured to be more horrible & foul than <rumour>
could be thought possible.

An aboleth has a slime covered fish-like body with a large fluke-like tail <fish>
which propels it thru the water. It is a blue-green mottled gray in [colour] with a pinkish tan belly.
It has a blue-black slime-producing organs on either side.
{Set} in its head are 3 long, slit-like, purple-red eyes, one
above the other. Over the eyes are protective ridges. Four 10-foot long
tentacles grow from the top of its head, and its toothless mouth is located
on the underside. On land, an aboleth pulls its obscene mass with its 4 tentacles.

In combat the aboleth attacks with its 4 tentacles for 1-6 points of damage each.
Any creature struck by its tentacles must save vs. Spells or <v>
the creature's skin will change into a clear, slimy membrane in 2-5
rounds. This change can be stopped if a [cure disease] spell is CAST on on the
victim. Once the change is complete, the membrane must be kept damp
with cool water or the victim will take d12 HP each turn
because of intense pain. A cure serious wounds spell will change the <d133>
membrane back to normal skin.

The aboleth is Highly intelligent an can create very realistic illusions <l>
with audible & visual components if it concentrates and does nothing else.
It can only try to enslave other creatures 3 times per day. This ability
can be used only against a single creature up to 30 feet away. The victim
must save vs. Spells or be filled with desire to serve the aboleth.
Enslaved creatures will not FIGHT for the aboleth but will attempt to follow
any other telepathic commands. If an enslaved character is separated <l>
from the aboleth by more than <1> mile, a new save may be made
each day. This charm can be broken by [remove curse] or [dispel magic] <l>
spells or the death of the enslaving aboleth.

In water, an aboleth will secrete a cloud of mucus a distance of 1 foot all
around its body. Any creature drawn into the mucus must save vs. Poison or
it will inhale the stuff and be unable to brethe air, suffocating
in 2-12 rounds if it tries to breathe. However, the aboleth uses its mucus
to give its slaves the power to breathe water. Thus, its slaves will have
the ability to breathe water, as a [potion of water breathing], for 1-3 hours.
The mucus may be dissolved by soap or wine.

There are reports of huge underwater cities built by the aboleths and those they enslaved.
But these reports, along w/ the stories of their vast stores of knowledge, have never been proven. <v>

    by David "Zeb" Cook


Aboleth (DSG): From a human point of view, this sinister and mysterious race
is doubtless the most alien underground culture. The aboleth’s
actions are nearly always calculated to advance the position of
their race with no regard for the welfare of any other. Coldly ruthless,
they are not interested in torture because it serves no
rational purpose, but quickly kill any creature that does not seem
likely to serve as a useful slave.

The aboleth intend to eventually gain complete control over the
realms of the underworld. Since they are most effective in water,
the aboleth are first attempting to hold sway over all underground
lakes, rivers, and seas. Their growing power is one of the main
reasons for the waning of the kuo-toan race.

The aboleth occasionally enter into obscene pacts with the
mind flayers, always to the detriment of some other hapless race.
There is little doubt, however, that the illithid will also be exterminated
when their time comes. For now, the aboleth use them as a
convenient tool to further their own aims.

The aboleth are not known to worship any god. There are, however,
huge and loathsome examples of the species that command
the deep respect of the other aboleth. Each aboleth city
has from one to six of these bloated and disgusting creatures.
These greater aboleth can be up to four times the size and Hit
Dice of a normal aboleth. They are the repositories of the vast
alien knowledge collected by the race.

The society of the aboleth is well ordered, with the position of
each individual rigidly defined. Numerous slaves populate aboleth
cities and are only casually guarded since the cities are usually
so remote that escape is impossible.

For more information on the aboleth, see Monster Manual II.


predavolk wrote:
Hi Gary. What are the origins of the:

1- Aboleth (psionic, underground, aquatic tentacled monster)


from Monster Manual 2? Were they uniquely inspired, or are there out-of-game sources of insipration for them? Thanks.

As I did not create the aboleth I can not venture a guess as to the source of inspiration for it.



DMPrata wrote:
Col_Pladoh wrote:

Mr. Cook is not high on my list of good people.


Quite understandably, sir. 

He did seem to change things I had created simply because he was empowered to do so by Lorraine Williams...never mind the effect on the game sysyem 


gideon_thorne wrote:
Would this be Cooking with Gaffs? 


Indeed, give him the hook!
