FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Cold Wilderness Forest])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Cold Freshwater Surface])

FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Temperate Wilderness Forest])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Temperate Freshwater Surface])

NO. APPEARING: 1 or 2-5
MOVE: 3" or 15" and/18" (MC: D)
HIT DICE: 2 or more
% IN LAIR: Nil
NO. OF ATTACKS: As swan or human
DAMAGE/ATTACK: As swan or by weapon type
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 2% per hit die
INTELLIGENCE: High to genius
ALIGNMENT: As ranger
    Attack/Defense Modes: [SB]
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: Variable | variable

A swanmay is a human female who has the magical power to change
herself into a swan. Although this power is conveyed through the
dweomer of an item, no male is known to have ever possessed and
successfully used a captured {item} of this sort. The power to become a
swan is typically contained in a feathertoken or feathered garment (both
of which become part of the feathering of the swan), or possibly a signet
ring (which will become a band on the swan's leg).

A swanmay can be harmed only by +1 or better magic weapons when in
swan form. Also, in that form, she has a MR of 2% per hit
die. In human form, all swanmays are rangers.Thus, they possess all of
the characteristics and abilities of that subclass of fighters. To find the
level of a swanmay, 2d6 are rolled, and this shows the level between 1st
(2) and 11th (12), ie., 3 indicates a 2nd level swanmay/ranger, 4 a 3rd
level, etc. Although rangers, swanmays are principally attuned to solitude,
nature, and the company of their adopted kind. Thus, while they
might aid good persons in need, they otherwise shun humanity and
civilization, and abhor subterranean places even more than enclosed
places above ground. They attract no followers. The swanmay may
possess psionics as a normal human.

When encountered, a swanmay will have light armor and attendant
gear, bow and arrows, sword, and dagger carefully hidden somewhere
nearby. These items will not usually be magical. Swanmays are typically
friendly with the little folk of the woods, such as sylvan elves, dryads,
and like creatures. They dislike noisy, brash creatures, ferocious beasts,
and all Evil. Only druids are known to associate regularly with swanmays,
and then only because of the latter's desire for druidical assistance
against some evil.

<origin = Three Hearts &&& Three Lions, by Poul Anderson>


ADQ: Is it possible for a player to become a
Swanmay (from Monster Manual II).
ADA: Although it is theoretically possible
for a human female Ranger to become a
Swanmay, there are several points that
would hinder such action:
* The original Swanmay is closely associated
with sylvan elves, dryads, and other
enchanted forest creatures. The PC
would also have to be closely associated
with these.
* The original Swanmay is a solitary creature
and the PC would have to
become of a like sort to have the swan
changing item function properly.
* Swanmays have no followers.
* Swanmays must always fight evil.
If the PC takes on all of these
concepts and does not steal the magic item
needed for the change, it should be possible.
(Polyhedron #14)