Air Walk

L^: c5, sh5
R#: T (sh: 0) <>
D^: 6t + (1t)*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1s
S^: None
A^: One creature
(sh: One creature of up to giant size.)
U: no
(can be CAST and will function within the bounds of an airy water spell)

Effect: This spell enables the cleric to tread upon
air just as if it were solid ground.

Moving upward is similar to walking
up a hill, and the more steep the ascent, the slower the rate of movement:
Ascending at a 45° angle is done at one-half normal movement,
a 60° angle reduces movement to one-fourth of normal, and
traveling straight upward can be done at one-eighth the normal rate.
Similarly, rapid descent is possible, almost as if the cleric were running
downhill; invert the above proportions, so that traveling straight
downward can be done at eight times the normal movement rate (or,
of course, at any slower rate the traveller desires). An air walking
creature is always in control of his or her movement rate; someone
traveling straight down at a rapid rate can “stop on a copper piece” to
avoid crashing into the ground or some other solid object. Someone
attempting to air walkwhile agust of wind spell is in effect in the same
area will move at one-half the usual rate if going into the gust, or twice
the usual rate if traveling in the same direction. The spell can be
placed upon any creature touched, up to and including one of giant
size. For example, the caster could place the spell upon a trained
horse and ride it through the air. Of course, an animal not accustomed
to such movement would panic, so the steed would certainly need
careful and lengthy training.

MC: The cleric’s holy/unholy symbol and a bit of thistledown.

Shukenja: This spell enables the shukenja to tread upon air as if it were solid ground,
moving at normal rate if remaining at the same altitude,
slowing if ascending (as if walking up a hill),
and speeding up if descending.

Shukenja.MC: The shukenja's holy symbol and a bit of thistledown.

WSG: Very useful, as are other spells allowing aerial movement,
for ascending or descending a steep incline, or even moving
directly up or down in close proximity to a cliff face. Of course,
when moving directly up or down, the air walker must be sure that
he can reach a safe perch before the spell duration expires