
"Master of Stealth"

MOVE: 12"
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3-12 (+ 7)
SIZE: S (3 1/2' tall)
WORSHIPER'S ALIGNMENT: All thieves and those who go adventuring
SYMBOL: Halfling's footprint
PLANE: Prime Material
CLERIC/DRUID: Initiate of the 4th Circle (D6)
FIGHTER: Pathfinder (R7)
MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST: Magician (MU6), Visionist (I6)
THIEF/ASSASSIN: Master Thief (T19)
MONK/BARD: Master (M6)
PSIONIC ABILITY: <?><missing from both UA and BD3>
S: 19 (+3, +7) I: 24 W: 17
D: 25 C: 23 CH: 20
Com: 19 - -

The adventures and misadventures of Brandobaris, Master of
Stealth, are almost beyond counting. Most of these tales have the
moral that it is better not to go running off into the wilderness on foolish
dares; nonetheless, Brandobaris does come across as an appealing
sort of rascal. He has much of the trickster in him; he is primarily a
clever thief who fools his opponents into thinking him harmless, then
steals them blind and escapes their wrath. No matter how awful a situation
in which he finds himself (and he's found some pretty awful
ones), Brandobaris manages to find his way out again - and make a
profit from the episode as well.

Brandobaris is so skilled at moving silently that he cannot be heard by
any mortal being or god, should he desire to conceal his movements.
He can also hide so well as to be completely invisible (detectable only
with a true seeing spell or some magic item of similar power). Brandobaris
goes on adventures to find some item he believes will make life
more comfortable for him, though this does not always prove to work
out as he'd planned.

Brandobaris carries a dagger + 3 which he usually wields in combat
(if he cannot avoid it). This dagger will magically point out the fastest
and safest direction of escape from any maze or trap (making Brandobaris
immune to maze spells when holding it). He also uses a + 4
sling that hurls a ball of dust whenever it is used; the dust ball has a
maximum range of 48" (24" short range, 36" medium range) and
does not harm the victim it strikes. The victim will feel nothing, but
must save versus spell at -6 or fall deeply asleep for 6-36 turns.

                                                              Clerics             Raiment                                                             Sacrifice/Propitiation
Sphere of Control Animal M F N-H Head Body Color(s) Holy Days Frequency Form Place of Worship
thieves mouse X X X(mf)* feathered cap leather armor gray new moon monthly stolen items anywhere

The followers of Brandobaris, as might be expected, are mostly
thieves and fighter/thieves. The more ardent followers are usually
also the ones who take the greatest risks on adventures. An especially
daring risk (one which places the halfling in considerable jeopardy)
that pays off is looked upon favorably by Brandobaris. He might
reward the perpetrator of such a daring act -- though he will do so
only once in that halfling's lifetime, so as not to encourage the mortal
to be too foolhardy. There is a 5% chance that Brandobaris's reward
will be given to any halfling of 10th level or lower, raising the follower
one level in ability.

Because Brandobaris wanders the Prime Material Plane, there is a
1 % chance per level that a halfling thief of 11th level or higher will actually
meet Brandobaris, in the guise of another halfling thief, and be
invited by the demigod to go on a thieving adventure. Other thieves
may come along on the adventure, but if they do not worship Brandobaris
they might find some of their valuables missing when the adventure
is over. Brandobaris will reveal his identity only after the
adventure is over, and only to his followers. The adventures Brandobaris
goes on, as stated before, can be exceptionally challenging and
dangerous, but hold the promise of great reward for the fast, the
clever, and the quiet!
Halfling Pantheon
Unearthed Arcana

by Roger E. Moore
