Energy Drain

L^: mu9
R#: T
D^: P
C^: v.s.m
CT: 3s
S^: None
A^: One creature

Effect: By casting this spell, the magic-user opens
a channel between the plane he or she is on and the Negative Material Plane, <l>
the caster becoming the conductor between the two

As soon as he or she touches (equal to a hit if melee is involved) any living creature, the victim loses <2> energy levels (as if struck by a spectre). (alt) <>
A monster loses <2> hit dice permanently, both
for hit points and attack ability. A character loses levels, hit dice and
hit points, and abilities permanently (until regained through adventuring,
if applicable).

Preparation requires <3> segments, the
material component is then CAST forth, and upon touching the victim
the magic-user speaks the triggering word, causing the dweomer to
take effect instantly. There is always a 5% (1 in 20) chance that the
caster will also be affected by the energy drain and lose <1> energy
level at the same time the victim is drained of <2>. Humans or humanoids
brought to <0> energy level by this spell become juju zombies.

MC: The material component of this spell is essence of spectre or vampire dust.

Compare to: energy drain, C7
