FREQUENCY: Rare (the most desolate of places, tombs and dungeons)
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Cold Wilderness Mountains])
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Temperate Wilderness Mountains], [Temperate Wilderness Swamp])
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Tropical Wilderness Mountains], [Tropical Wilderness Swamp])
FREQUENCY: Uncommon ([Dungeon Level VII])

MOVE: 15"/30" (MC: B) <P30>
HIT DICE: 7 + 3
% IN LAIR: 20% (1 Spectre: steppe, TPL30:5th, REF3.67)
TREASURE TYPE: [Q] (x 3), [X], [Y]
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 ~ 13
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Energy drain (2 levels)
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Hit only by magic weapons, partial magic and spell resistance
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VII | 1650 + 10
Creature Notes (REF5)

Spectres are very powerful undead humans whose primary existence is on the -NMP-.
Spectres hount the most desolate of places, tombs and dungeons. They hate sunlight and living things. Daylight makes
them powerless. Life makes them lament their unlife.

A spectre's chilling touch causes 1-8 HP of damage and drains 2 life energy levels from an opponent,
the latter due to the negative force of the
spectre. Thus, an 11th level character, or an 11 hit dice creature, struck by a
spectre would suffer 1-8 HP of damage plus loss in level ability, hit
dice, etc. Such loss is permanent, but characters can regain lost levels
through continued acquisition of experience points, of course. Certain
magic might restore lost levels as well.

Spectres are not affected by sleep, charm, hold, or cold-based spells.
Poison or paralyzation do not harm spectres. Holy water causes a spectre
to suffer 2-8 hit points of damage for every vial-full which hits it. A raise
dead spell will destroy a spectre unless it makes its saving throw versus
magic. Any human totally drained of life energy by a spectre becomes a
half-strength spectre under the control of the spectre which drained him.

ADQ: Can dwarves, gnomes, half-elves,
half-orcs, or hobbits become spectres?
ADA: Half-elves and half-orcs can; the
others can't. Only human or part-human
characters can become spectres.
(Polyhedron #16)


SA: Light & the Undead

The Ecology of the Spectre <Necrology?>

Oshin-san, the venerable recluse from
the holy mountain Ichiyama, bowed to
the imperial councilors who had gathered
to hear her speak. Sitting down on
the fine cushions provided, her hand
absently stroked the rich embroidery
that covered the silk. "Much like I used
to have?" she mused, her mind wandering.
Attentive faces studied her wrinkled
one. She pushed a wisp of gray hair out
of her eyes, and began.

"You wish to know about spectres. I
have gained some insight into their
ways, it is true. A result of long hours of
meditation && prayer." She paused,
and wet her lips from the cup of tea
that had been placed by her side. "I
have even confronted two spectres at
once, and dealt with them without
assistance from anyone."

A respectful murmur ran through
the room. When it died down, Oshin
continued. "Spectres are Evil things,
clinging to unlife because of their consuming
hatred for life itself.

"Because of this hatred, spectres contain
more of the negative energy which
{animates undead} than most of their
kind. They are more powerful and
harder to destroy. And they are not
content simply to hate. More intelligent <encounter reaction note>
than most undead, they act on their ill will
for the living, sometimes planning
ways to destroy life. They can be wily

Heads nodded in agreement. "But I
get ahead of myself. First, to review the
common knowledge about spectres:
"They prefer to haunt desolate and
uninhabited places, for they would
rather avoid life even while harboring
their hatred for it. They hate sunlight, <hatred = negative TALK modifier>
for though it does not physically hurt
them, the positive energy embodied in
it makes them powerless.

"A spectre's touch is chill, for the negative
energy which gives it form drains
energy and life from whatever the
undead creature touches. Any human drained
completely of life energy by a
spectre becomes a half-strength spectre
under its control.

"But I understand you are mostly concerned
with how to fight spectres?" she
addressed her listeners.
Voices murmured in the affirmative.
"Well, then . . ." Oshin considered for a
moment. "Spectres are harmed by holy
water or magical weapons because they
unbind the negative energy which gives
a spectre its form. These undead are
immune to sleep, charm, hold, or coldbased
spells. Nor does poison or paralysis
harm a spectre, since it does not
have enough of a physical form to feel
those effects. A raise dead spell cast on
one destroys it completely.
"Now, I have discovered some other
things through meditation that may
prove instructive to you." She smiled
slightly at her listeners, the picture of
the beneficent recluse. ?Spectres can be
slain completely if they are attacked
and fought on the Negative Energy
Plane. They are found on no other
planes, by the way, than the Prime
Material and the Negative Energy
?It is not widely known that a spectre

is bound to the place where it met its
death. It cannot leave that area, so you
need not fear its pursuit over a very
great distance.,?
Oshin nodded sagely, accepted her pay
ment, and was relieved when the journey
back to Ichiyama was complete.


It was only a matter of time before
the spectre came to visit Oshin. Every
few months it stopped by to report on
the progress of its plans and to find out
what it could about worldly events
from the old woman.
This time it was startled and angered
to learn of her lecture at the capital.
?What do you mean, you told them all
about us?? rasped the disembodied
voice of Tanomitsu Mitsuro. The spectre
loomed threateningly over Oshin ?
who glowered at the transparent figure
in return.
?No need to exercise your foul temper
on me!? she snapped. ?I helped your
cause, Mitsuro, and you owe me your
?What I mean is this: I told them a pack
of lies, and they believed every word of it!
Well, the common information I had to
tell the truth about. About holy water,
and your feelings toward life ? things
like that. But then,,, she smiled conspiratorily,
?I told them what I?d learned in
meditation. Meditation!? Oshin laughed.
The spectre didn?t smile. ?What sort
of things??
?For instance, I told them you exist on
the Negative Energy Plane, and can be
killed there. They believed that! They
don?t realize that just because you consist
of negative energy, you don?t have
to be on the Negative Energy Plane. The
fools don?t even know it?s impossible for
anything to exist there.
?They also believed me when I said
the only other plane spectres are found
on is the Prime Material. Your jaunts to
the Negative Quasi-Planes should
remain a secret for some time, I should

Mitsuro raised a spectral eyebrow.
?Not bad.?
?It gets better. I didn?t mention a word
about physical remains, and they didn?t
ask. Not even the clerics there realized
that resurrection, raise, or reincarnation
cast on a spectre?s physical remains
will destroy the spectre because it is
reabsorbed into the returning soul ?
even if the revival itself fails. That?s why
raise dead cast on your spectral form
works ? it forces you to go search for
your body, and dissipates your negative
energy in the process!?
?I said you are tied to the place you
died, and they bought that, too. It
should take them some time to realize
that spectres are powerful enough and
intelligent enough to go anywhere they
choose ? even though you stay in one
place out of habit. It?ll be some time
before before they realize only one
spectre is creating these lesser spectres
around the country.,?
Oshin clapped her hands in amusement.
?Oh! And the half-strength spectres!
The imperial councilors are
content now, certain that a halfstrength
spectre can only create a spectre
half as strong as itself ? that is, a
quarter-strength spectre. They think
they need only worry about weaker
and weaker spectres! Fools! I didn?t tell
them that the life-draining process
leaves so much negative energy in its
wake that half-strength is as weak as a
spectre can be. Otherwise it just isn?t a
spectre anymore, is it, Mitsuro??
The spectre regarded Oshin in grudging

Creature Notes

1. A spectre's touch does 1d8 points
of damage, and drains 2 levels of life
energy. Any human victim completely
drained of life becomes a half-strength
spectre under command of the one that
slew it. Half-strength spectres have
these statistics: AC 6; MV 12?/24? ; HD
3 + 3; # AT 1; Dmg 1d4; AL LE; SA, SD as
regular spectre.

2. When a person is drained of life
by a spectre, his body does not vanish
into thin air. Rather, the corpse
remains, the soul leaves, and the negative
part of the being that is jealous and
hateful of life takes form as a spectre.
Only humans can become spectres.
Other races drained of life by a spectre
simply die.
This can also occur spontaneously
when an evil or hateful NPC of Lawful
Evil alignment dies. If that NPC has sufficient
motivation (in the DM?s judgment),
he may return to haunt the living as an
undead spectre. The NPC should make a
saving throw vs. death magic. If successful,
he becomes a spectre.

3. If the clerical ceremony eternal rest is cast on a spectre's physical
remains, that spectre is destroyed. No
such ceremony spell is currently available
to OA characters,
but DMs may wish to make similar ceremony
spells available to shukenja and
sohei characters.

4. In a case where the spectre?s physical
remains have been destroyed
through accident or intent (such as cremation),
a spectre can only be
destroyed by slaying the undead creature,
or casting raise dead on its spectral

5. A spectre is the embodiment of negative
energy. Its form is transparent and
can move through material objects without
difficulty. It is affected by gravity only
in a limited way, and can appear to float,
fly, and rise or sink through ceilings and
floors. It retains these movement abilities
even when exposed to sunlight. Unlike a
ghost, however, a spectre cannot fade
completely from sight, since it is not usually
capable of phasing out of the Prime
Material Plane.

6. Some spectres are drawn to the
Negative Quasi-Planes because of the concentration
of negative energy found
there. The spectres capable of going to
that plane are generally those whose
earthly remains have been destroyed and
who have no overriding personal reason
to remain on the Prime Material Plane.
Spectres are not normally planar travelers,
and once they reach the Negative
Quasi-Planes they usually stay there.

Q: The Monster Manual says that
spectres are totally powerless in
sunlight. What does this mean in
game terms?

A: A spectre cannot drain levels or inflict
damage when exposed to natural sunlight
or its magical equivalent, such as light
produced by a sun blade (continual light,
although quite bright, is not equal to full
daylight). Spectres will flee from sunlight
whenever they encounter it, and will
never enter it willingly. Spectres regain
their powers immediately upon leaving
direct sunlight.