

Drow Glaive

Weapon Type Approximate
Weight in
Size S or M Size L   Notes  Length Space Required Speed Factor 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Glaive 7.5 d6 d10 Includes Couteax de Breche 8'+ 1' 8 -2 -2 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

* These weapons do twice (x2) the damage indicated to size L creatures when set (firmly grounded) to receive a charging opponent. <GUARD>

Having employed just about everything else,
there was no reason not to add
the single-edged [knife] at the end of a staff also. <l?>
This family of arms is as small as the [fauchard] family and about as efficient.

The glaive is a knife-bladed spear. It has the thrusting function of the spear
and the secondary cutting function of the convexD blade of the knife. <D>
The knife was rapidly enlarged in the blade to give it
a greater cutting function as well as a cleaving attack.
As with a spear or [fauchard], however, it was not overly effective at holding opponents back,
nor did it have piercing or dismounting capabilities,
so modifications produced the [glaive-guisarme] which is discussed in the combination arms section. <e>
The increase in the size of the blade of these weapons brought some to a point where they nearly merged with the cleaver-type weapons.

<actually, P/S, although the drow glaive image doesn't convey this well>
<an alternate image is given below: in theory, as a rule for the polearm pages, choose one image only. the idea is that there is less confusion, with one image>

Pole Arms
Unearthed Arcana

