Pouch of Accessibility~~

Enc.: 1# gp empty, 
4# when filled
Aura: "strongly magicked"
XP: 1,250
GP: 12,500
Magic Items

This normal-seeming pouch is actually a strongly magicked item which can contain up to 300# of weight in
30 specially constructed pockets within it.
Each pocket, in turn, holds
a maximum of 10# weight, or 1 cubic foot of volume, whichever is
reached first. Better still, this device enables the possessor to open
the pouch and call forth the item(s) desired. Merely speaking the <see ACTIONS IN COMBAT AND OTHER TIME-IMPORTANT SITUATIONS, make notes>
name of a desired object causes it to appear at the top of the pouch,
ready for instant grasp. Of course, these items are similar to bag of holding and portable holes (qqv), <e>
and the strictures about placement within such magical spaces apply fully.

<50% large belt pouch, 50% small belt pouch>
<simpler: choose one or the other>

<it might be worth making a special 'equipment sheet' print-out, for the pouch>