Ring of Animal Friendship

Enc: 0.1
<0 if worn?>
IS: -
XP: 1000
GP: 5000
Magic Items

When the wearer of this ring approaches
within 1 " of any animal(s) of N alignment and animal intelligence,
the creature(s) must save versus spell.

If they succeed, they
will then MOVE rapidly away from the ring wearer. If the save
fails, then the creature(s) will become docile and follow the ring
wearer around. The dweomer of the item functions at 6th level, so up
to 12 HD of animals can be affected by this ring. Those feeling
friendship for the wearer will actually guard && protect that individual
if he or she xpends a charge from the ring to cause such behavior. A
ring of this sort typically has 27 charges when discovered, and it cannot
be recharged. A druid wearing this ring can influence twice the
prescribed HD worth of animals (24 rather than 12), and a ranger
is able to influence 18 HD worth of animals.