Ring of Faerie


Enc: 0.1
IS: -
Aura: -
XP: 1000
GP: 7500

This specially dweomered ring is given by the grey elves to their closest associates and allies only.

Each ring is aligned either toward evil (5%), good (75%), or neutrality (20%).
It enables the wearer to perform certain functions as if he or she were an elf:

    Concealment in woodlands is such that the wearer can be detected only by those creatures able to detect invisible objects.

    If alone and not in metal armor, the wearer can move silently with a
    662/3% chance of success, enabling him || her to achieve surprise
    on a roll of 1-4 on a d6. An attempt to move silently will succeed on
    a roll of 01-67; if the number rolled is 68 or higher, then noise generated
    by the wearer's movement will be discernible up to that
    #number# of feet away from the individual.

    Infravision to a range of 60 feet is bestowed by the ring.

    Concealed doors are noted 162/3% of the time (roll of 1 on d6)
    when going past them, 50% of the time when actively searched

    Secret doors are found 331/3% of the time (1-2 on d6) when actively searched for.

Rings of an alignment not corresponding to that of the wearer will not function.
