Ring of Sustenance
This magical ring provides its wearer with life-sustaining nourishment even though he or she might go for days without food or drink.
The ring also refreshes the body and mind, so that its wearer needs to sleep only two hours per day to gain the benefit of eight hours of sleep.
The ring must be worn for
a full week in order for it to function properly,
and if it is removed it
immediately loses its benefits and must again be worn for a week to reattune
itself to the wearer.
After functioning (in either
or both capacities) for any period of
seven consecutive days,
a ring of sustenance will cease to function
for a week while it replenishes
its dweomer.
WSG: A character wearing
this ring is much less likely to
be affected by fatigue or
exhaustion. All Constitution Checks for
fatigue and exhaustion are
made with a -5 modifier to the die roll
(but an unmodified roll
of 20 is still failure in any case). In addition,
Constitution Checks for
fatigue need not be made more often
than once every six turns,
regardless of how long the character
engages in strenuous activity.