Staff of the Woodlands

Enc: 10
IS: -
Aura: -
XP: 8000
GP: 40,000
Magic Items

This sort of staff is always made from oak,
ash, or yew, finely grained, beautifully carved, and bound and shod
with bronze. It is effective only in the hands of a druid. Each such staff
has the following powers, which each expend one charge per use:

  •     Wall of thorns
  •     Animal friendship and
  •     speak with animals

  •     Animate tree: This function duplicates the ability of a treant to
        cause a large tree to move at a 3” rate and attack as if it were a
        largest-sized treant, and in all other respects become a virtual
        treant for eight rounds per charge expended. Note that one round
        is required for the tree to animate, and it will return to rooting on
        the eighth, so only six of the initial eight rounds are effectively
        available for attack function.

    In addition to these powers, each such staff has a magical weapon
    value, and those with a lesser value also have additional magical
    powers, which do not require charges and can be employed once per
    day. The staff of the woodlands + 4 has no additional powers. The
    staff + 3 also confers upon the user the power of a pass without trace
    spell. The staff + 2 has the powers ofpass without trace and barkskin.
    The staff + 7 confers the powers of the staff + 2 plus the power of the
    tree spell. To determine which sort of staff has been discovered, assign
    even chances for each of the four types.