
L^: mu0
R#: 1"
D^: <see below>
C^: v.s
CT: 1/6 segment
S^: None
A^: One object

Effect: This cantrip causes a sprinkling of fine salt to magically appear and descend upon the desired object --
a stew, some troublesome weed patch, or a barrel full of stock fish to be preserved.

The object must be of a reasonable size --
up to perhaps 4 square yards in AREA or about 30 gallons <<1 gallon = 8 pints = 8 pounds : wsg.53>> of liquid volume.
Care must be taken to avoid over-salting if the object involved is smaller,
and if the object is larger,
it will not receive much salt.
Creatures adversely affected by salt (such as a giant slug) take 1-4 points of damage from this cantrip.

C: The verbal component is a labial smacking,
performed while the hand makes a sprinkling motion.

<labial smacking=??>
<is that labia minora, or, labia majora??>

UW: This spell will produce a small amount of salt water, about 1 pint total.
Unless contained, the salt water will quickly disperse into the surrounding water.

Procan (god of salt)