- |
Beory | FC | Oerth Mother, Nature, Rain | N | f |
Boccob | C | Magic, Arcane Knowledge | N | m |
Incabulos | C | Evil, Plagues, Nightmares | NE | m |
Istus | B | Fate, Destiny | N | f |
Kord | S | Athletics, Sports, Brawling | CG | m |
Lendor | S | Time, Tedium | LN | n |
Nerull | FC | Death, Darkness, Underworld | NE | m |
Pelor | FC | Sun, Strength, Light, Healing | NG | m |
Procan | OC | Oceans, Seas, Salt | NC | m |
?10> Rao | FC | Peace, Reason, Serenity | LG | m |
Tharizdun | U | Eternal Darkness, |
E | m |
Ulaa | UC | Hills, Mountains, Gemstones | LG | f |
Wee Jas | S | Magic, Death | LN | f |
Zilchus | OC | Power, Prestige, Influence, Money, Business | LN | m |
Greater/Lesser God
Cyndor | C | Time, Continuity, Infinity | LN | m |
Allitur | FC | Ethic?>, Propriety | LG(N) | m |
Atroa | OC | Spring, |
NG | f |
Beltar | S | Malice, Pits, Deep Caves | CE(N) | f |
Berei | FC | Home, Family, Agriculture | NG | f |
?20> Bleredd | C | Metal, Mines, Smiths | NC | m |
Bralm | SC | Insects, Industriousness | N(L) | f |
Celestian | OC | Stars, Space, Wanderers | N(G) | m |
Delleb | O | Reason, Intellect | LG | m |
Ehlonna | C | Forests, Flowers, Meadows | NG | f |
Erythnul | OC | Hate, Envy, Malice, Panic | CE(N) | m |
Fharlanghn | OC | Horizons, Distance, Travel | N(g) | m |
Fortubo | S | Stone, Metals, Mountains | LG(N) | m |
Geshtai | BC | Lakes, Rivers, Wells | N | f |
Heironeous | OC | Chivalry, Honor, Justice, Valor | LG | m |
?30> Hextor | OC | War, Discord, Massacre | LE | m |
Joramy | C | Fire, Volcanoes, Anger, Quarrels | N(G) | f |
Kurell | O | Jealousy, Revenge, Thievery | CN | f |
Lirr | C | Prose, Poetry, Art | CG | f |
Llerg | S | Beasts, Strength | CN | m |
Lydia | SC | Music, Knowledge, Daylight | NG | f |
Myhriss | C | Love, Beauty | NG | f |
Norebo | S | Luck, Gambling, Risk | CN | m |
Obad-hai | FC | Nature, Wildlands, Freedom, Hunting | N | m |
Olidammara | C | Music, Revelry, Roguery, Wine | NC | m |
?40> Phaulkon | S | Air, Winds, Clouds | CG | m |
Pholtus | OC | Light, Resolution, Law | LG(N) | m |
Phyton | S | Beauty, Nature | CG | m |
Pyremius | S | Fire, Poison, Murder | NE | m |
Ralishaz | C | Chance, Ill-luck, Misfortune | CN(E) | m |
Raxivort | M | Xvarts, Rats | CE | m |
St. Cuthbert | C | Wisdom, Dedication, Zeal | LG(N) | m |
Sotillion | OC | Summer, |
CG(N) | f |
Syrul | S | Deceit, False Promises, Lies | NE(I) | f |
Telchur | OC | Winter, |
CN | m |
?50> Trithereon | C | Individuality, Liberty, Retribution | CG | m |
Velnius | O | Sky, Weather | N(G) | m |
Wenta | OC | Autumn, |
CG | f |
Xan Yae | BC | Twilight, Shadows, Stealth, Mind over Matter, et. al. | N | f |
Xerbo | S | Sea, Water Travel, Money, Business | N | m |
Zodal | FC | Mercy, Hope, Benevolence | NG | m |
Iuz | FC | Oppression, Deceit, Pain | CE(N) | m |
Rudd | OC | Chance, Good Luck, Skill | CN(G) | f |
Wastri | U | Bigotry, Amphibians | LN(E) | m |
Zagyg | C | Humor, Occult Studies, Eccentricity | CN(G) | m |
?60> Zuoken | BC | Physical and Mental Mastery | N | m |
Heward | ? | ? | N(G) | m |
Keoghtom | ? | ? | N(G) | m |
Murlynd | ? | ? | LG | m |
Kelanen | ? | ? | N | m |
Q: Are non-Oerth deities
usable in a
A: For example, can
I use Bes
for dwarves or one of the
deities for the frost barbarians?
The nonhuman deities from
Arcana are more suitable
for a WORLD OF
GREYHAWK setting than are
deities from Legends ? Lore.
Nordic deities
would be appropriate for
the various
barbarians and nomads.
LG | LN | LE | NG | N |
NE | CG | CN | CE | - |
1. Rao (Peace, Reason, Serenity)
2. Ulaa (LG) (Hills,
3. Allitur (LG(N)) (Ethics, Propriety)
4. Delleb (Reason, Intellect)
5. Fortubo (LG(N)) (Stone,
Metals, Mountains)
6. Heironeous (Chivalry, Honor, Justice, Valor)
7. Pholtus (LG(N)) (Light,
Resolution, Law)
8. St. Cuthbert (LG(N))
(Wisdom, Dedication, Zeal)
1. Lendor (Time, Tedium)
2. Wee Jas (Magic, Death)
3. Zilchus (Power, Prestige, Influence, Money,
4. Cyndor (Time, Continuity,
5. Bralm (N(L)) (Insects, Industriousness)
6. Wastri (LN(E)) (Bigotry, Amphibians)
1. Hextor (War, Discord, Massacre)
1. Pelor (Sun, Strength,
2. Atroa (Spring, East Wind)
3. Berei (Home, Family,
4. Celestian (N(G))
(Stars, Space, Wanderers)
5. Ehlonna (Forests,
Flowers, Meadows)
6. Fharlanghn (N(g))
(Horizons, Distance, Travel)
7. Joramy (N(G)) (Fire,
Anger, Quarrels)
8. Lydia (Music, Knowledge, Daylight)
9. Myhriss (Love, Beauty)
10. Zodal (Mercy, Hope, Benevolence)
1. Beory (Oerth Mother)
2. Boccob (Magick, Arcane Knowledge)
3. Istus (Fate, Destiny)
4. Geshtai (Lakes, Rivers, Wells)
5. Obad-hai (Nature, Wildlands,
Freedom, Hunting)
6. Velnius (N(G)) (Sky, Weather)
7. Xan Yae (Twilight, Shadows,
Stealth, Mind over Matter, et. al.)
8. Xerbo (Sea, Water Travel, Money,
9. Zuoken (Physical and Mental Mastery)
1. Incabulos (Evil, Plagues,
2. Nerull (Death,
3. Tharizdun (E) (Eternal Darkness, Decay)
4. Pyremius (Fire, Poison,
5. Syrul (NE(I)) (Deceit, False Promises, Lies)
1. Kord (Athletics, Sports, Brawling)
2. Lirr (Prose, Poetry, Art)
3. Phaulkon (Air, Winds,
4. Phyton (Beauty, Nature)
5. Sotillion (CG(N)) (Summer, South Wind, Ease, Comfort)
6. Trithereon (Individuality, Liberty, Retribution)
7. Wenta (Autumn, West Wind, Harvest)
1. Procan (NC) (Oceans, Seas, Salt)
2. Bleredd (NC) (Metal, Mines, Smiths)
3. Kurell (Jealousy, Revenge, Thievery)
4. Llerg (Prose, Poetry, Art)
5. Norebo (Luck, Gambling,
6. Olidammara (NC) (Music,
Revelry, Roguery, Wine)
7. Ralishaz (CN(E)) (Chance, Ill-luck, Misfortune)
8. Telchur (CN) (Winter, North Wind, Cold)
9. Rudd (CN(G)) (Chance, Good Luck, Skill)
10. Zagyg (CN(G)) (Humor, Occult Studies, Eccentricity)
1. Beltar (CE(N)) (Malice, Pits, Deep Caves)
2. Erythnul (CE(N)) (Hate, Envy, Malice, Panic)
3. Raxivort (Xvarts, Rats)
4. Iuz (CE(N)) (Oppression,
Deceit, Pain)
1. Kord
2. Pelor
3. Rao
4. Ulaa
5. Allitur
6. Atroa
7. Berei
8. Delleb
9. Ehlonna
10. Fortubo
11. Heironeous
12. Lirr
13. Lydia
14. Myhriss
15. Phaulkon
16. Phyton
17. St. Cuthbert
18. Sotillion
19. Trithereon
20. Wentum
21. Zodal
22. Murlynd
chrisspiller wrote:
Hey Gary, I was just looking
through the 1983 Greyhawk Gazeteer and noticed something a little odd.
The listing for the various deities indicates the racial origin of each
deity (C=Common, O=Oeridian, S=Suloise, F=Flan, B=Baklunish, U=Uknown).
When you come to Raxivort, the god of the
however, the origin is listed as "M".
Is this a typo? Or, perhaps, does it stand for "Monster" as the deity's racial origin (since Raxivort apparently began as a normal, though gifted, Xvart)?
Thanks in advance.
That''s an interesting catch, and I've never noticed it propr to your mention above.
I should think that it's a typo for the proper ID for Raxivort, that should be N for Non-human deity, all those of the Demi-humans and humanoids.
DMPrata wrote:
Hey Gary, did you ever do
any development on the lesser-known Greyhawk deities (e.g., Allitur, Atroa,
Berei, Bleredd, Delleb, Geshtai, Joramy, Kurell, Lirr, Myhriss, Rudd, Sotillion,
Telchur, Velnius, Wenta, Zodal, Zuoken)? As of 1983, they were only one-line
entries in the boxed set. If so, would you care to share any of it with
us WOGies?
the short answer is a simple
If it were yes, it would still be no, as the material in question now belongs to WotC, and I have nothing to do with it...
Thus, as a matter of fact, WotC is the only source for information regarding the material in question.
DMPrata wrote:
Gary, I have a crack team
of volunteer illustrators working on images of various deities for my Greyhawk®
Deitybase. Your write-up of the "lost" Baklunish god Dorgha Torgu was
published in Oerth
Journal 12, but there was no descriptive information included. Might
I persuade you to comment on how you envisioned his appearance? (I've already
sent Len Lakofka a picture of his lost Suel deity, Akwamon, courtesy of
Whaddaya say?
?update link>
Lots of luck me recalling
minor details such as you request after decades have passed
Actually, I can vaguely remember
what I envisioned for said deity, Dorgha Torgu.
He was based on the Mongolian,
so picture a Ghengis Khan-like warrior with a head similarone of the Chinese
"General" deities--oni-like, dark blue or bright red,
with bulging eyes and protruding
tusks and fangs.
Garments like those worn
by the Mongol leaders, weapons also.
That's about it.
Originally Posted by dead
Hi Gary,
In the back of UA there is an appendix with an example demihuman pantheon in it. Was this *officially* given the OK by you to become canon for the Greyhawk campaign?
I've got a feeling it wasn't. I felt that it was only an *example* pantheon presented in UA and it was only later (after you left) that TSR decided to make it GH canon.
The latter is indeed the
case, although i did put the "offcial" stamp onriger Moore's demi-human
deities for those who wished to include such entities in their WoG campaigns.
Originally Posted by dead
If this is the case, did
you have your own original thoughts on what the gods of the elves, dwarves,
halflings, etc. should be? (And monsterkind.)
Heh, and in my campaign
the demi-humans and humanoids acknowledged the same pantheons as humans
Originally Posted by dead
Perhaps you envisioned dwarves
as just worshipping Ulaa and elves just worshipping Ehlonna?
Or are the gods as presented
in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Setting just human gods?
I would love to hear your thoughts.
And so you have them
Originally Posted by TerraDave
Hello again Gary, it is
nice to see the time you have taken to answer these many queries.
As a follow up to this, when did you do unique Greyhawk gods, and why?
You mention Norse dieties in the DMG, and the impression I had of the OD?D cleric and paladin was that they were basically Christian!
The first published dieties for the game were from human cultures--though some non-human dieties were added for the AD?D dieties and demigods. The first time I saw Greyhawk gods was in the pages of Dragon.
So, what motivated you to do your own pantheon?
Well, amigo,
When one "creates" a fantasy world setting that is totally divorced from our world, it is logical that special, unique deities are needed to fill it, for clerics subsume deities that are served. Thus I began adding deities to my campaign early in 1973, and those became the first deities of the World of Greyhawk.
BTW, as the Lejendary Earth world setting is a parallel earth, the deities used for it are all based off of those from our mythology.
Originally Posted by TerraDave
Esteemed Col. your answer
makes perfect sense. Maybe I should rephrase the question: why the long
delay before your dieties where shared with the rest of the world? And,
did you use "real world" divinities in your original Castle Greyhawk campaign,
in addition to Saint Cuthbert of course
That answer is easy. The
development of anything akin to a logical pantheon of deities for the world
setting took a considerable period of time to complete because we seldom
dealt with such entities in play. St. Cuthbert and Pholtus were amusing
to the players with cleric PCs so I spent time detailing them. The balance
then followed as I brought into play evil deities to serve as villians
and to frustrate the aims of the PCs. Only after I had completed the last
of the core rules books for AD?D was there time for me to address growing
audience interest in the World of Greyhawk and its deities. When
the version of that setting was ready for publication, the need for a more
detailed pantheon of deities was apparent, so that's when the details were
set down. That made Len Lakofka happy too, for I brought in the deities
he had been using for his campaign
Originally Posted by airwalkrr
Also, did the Greyhawk deities
have any mythological origins or did you create them using nothing more
than your imagination and your subconscious?
The World of Greyhawk deities
came directly from my creative imaginings, or those of a few others such
as Len Lakofka and Roger Moore.
Originally Posted by Thulcondar
At the risk of interrupting
the current tension convention, I have some more mundane GH-focused questions
with which to annoy our good and gracious respondent.
And once more, Mr. Gygax, both my profound thanks for taking the time to answer, and apologies if these are issues which have been raised before.
In "The Village of Hommlet,"
you refer to the Druidical religion as "The Old Faith" in several places.
Yet this never seemed to have been more fully developed. Can you elaborate
on the relationship between the Druidical "Old Faith" and the (presumably)
newer Clerical religions in the Flanaess? Is this simply a facet that never
got fully explored? Would that be the Flan faith (with the attendent implication
that the Flannae deities were served originally by druids rather than clerics)?
My pleasure to oblige.
The implication in regards
"The Old Faith" is that it was a shamanistic religion that had no formal
pantheon of deities. The original inhabitants, the Flan, were indeed those
that were the pribnciple adgerants to that belief system. It wasn't explored
because it was not particularly meaningful to the module or the setting
Originally Posted by Thulcondar
A similar question in regards
to the Baklunish religion. I do recall that the full development of the
Bakluni faith was something intended, but never realized, but had you put
any thought into how such a thing might be, even if such never appeared
in print? Did you envision a new class of Baklunish priests, whose foreign
(non-Oeridian/Suloise) religion was supported by a priesthood of different
nature than either the Clerics or the Druids? One can only wonder at the
features of the Imam class...
The plan was to introduce
a new pantheon of deities. Obviously that never eventuated...nor will it
ever unless WotC decides to do so.
Originally Posted by Thulcondar
And, as long as I'm on this
particular bent, if the Gods and Goddesses of different religions, how
did you envision the spill-over of certain deities (Istus, etc.) from one
pantheon to the other? Could there, for example, be both clerics and druids
of Obad-Hai?
Pretty much the same as
happened in actuality in ancient times here on earth. Adonis and Isus,
for example, were made a part of a pantheon previously foreign to them,
In AD?D terms that would simply make the deity in question that much more
IMO druids do not serve any
deity other than Nature and its manifestations.
Originally Posted by Gray
Gary, I was just wondering
how much input you gave to Len Lakofka when he wrote up the gods of the
Suel Pantheon for publication in Dragon. Did he come up with everything
and just use the names and areas on influence you provided in the Greyhawk
guide or did you give him some general guidelines to follow (i.e., this
god gets this special power, that one has the abilities of these classes,
Gray Mouser
Len deserves the lion's
share of the credit, and blame if any, for the Suel deities. I simply did
a bit of editing of his work.
Originally Posted by Gray
Very interesting, Colonel.
If the deities of Oerth were responsible for closing the gates that may
explain why there were no demihuman deities included in the WoGH. Except,
of course, for Raxivort. Hmmm. Maybe not. :?
SOunds like Learth's old
time mages could give those of the Bakluni and Suel a run for their money,
even with the Invoked Devastation and Rain of Colorless Fire!
Gray Mouser
Likely that. Although a
few more of evil sort managed to find and pass through remaining gateways
to Oerth.
Yes, the ancient Adepts of Learth could and did end up devistating not only their reptillian former slave masters but their own empires.
Originally Posted by Gray
Kudos to him, then, as I
greatly enjoyed the series on the Suel pantheon. I did find some of them
to be a bit on the good side considering the description of the Suel old-timers
in thne WoGH, but they are an interesting group, all in all. While Olidammara
is one of my favorites Norebo certainly ranks up there, as well
Now, if I recall correctly, the Suel pantheon series came out after the release of the Greyhawk boxed set. I think you'd mentioned before that you had hoped to detail more of Oerth so I was wondering if there were there plans to revise the box set with the inclusion of these deities, or did you simply think they would make for an interesting series of articles in Dragon?
Gray Mouser
As it happens Olidammara
is a creation of my own that Len added to his pantheon.
It is likely a revised and expanded boxed set for the WoG would have gone into the hopper had I remained in charge of the company after 1984.
Suel Gods (click here
to zoom in)
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