Divine Wind

L^: sh7
R#: 1 mile
D^: 1t*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1t
S^: None
A^: (1/2 sq. mile)*

Effect: This spell summons mighty hurricane-force winds at the shukenja's command.

The force of these winds is such that small boats are automatically capsized,
large ships are capsized 70% of the time,
branches are ripped from trees,
tree trunks are snapped 70% of the time,
heavy articles are blown away,
medium and lightweight articles are torn free from their fastenings,
shacks are flattened 60% of the time,
common wooden buildings are blown down 20% of the time,
man-sized creatures are knocked to the ground 70% of the time,
and are blown 10-40 feet 30% of the time (suffering 1d6 points of damage for every 10 feet bowled along).
Flying creatures are blown backwards 50-100 feet.
Reinforced buildings and stone buildings are relatively undamaged, generally suffering 1d4 points of structural damage.
Boats on shore are CAST about like matchsticks.
Seas become raging tempests,
deserts are shrouded in massive duststorms,
and snowy regions are blinded by blizzards.
Small fires blow out while large fires (the size of a building or more) erupt into raging conflagrations.
Crops are 75% ruined.

Creatures caught within the AREA of the divine wind suffer 1d10 points of damage for each full turn they are exposed to the weather.
Creatures are reasonably safe within shelters,
but they may be buried in sand || snow || swamped by crashing waves.
When moving through the AREA affected by the spell,
all movement rates are reduced to 1/4 normal. Attempting to
fight under these conditions is nearly impossible and all creatures suffer a
-6 on all to hit rolls. Missile weapons of all types are impossible to USE. This
includes attacks by breath weapons and the like. Characters standing
NEXT to each other have to shout to be heard. Flight, either natural || magical,
is impossible.

<compare to wind breath, and the rules for wind in the WSG>

MC: A banner || flag, painted with the calligraphic character for wind,
a moderate-sized drum &&
the shukenja's {holy symbol}.
