
Elemental Servant
(Conjuration/Summoning; Enchantment/Charm)

L^: wj7
R#: 0
D^: S
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1t
S^: Neg.
A^: One elemental

Effect: This spell allows the wu jen to summon any one of the four types of elementals--earth, air, fire, or water--and compel it to perform a service for the wu jen.

Midway through the casting, an elemental of 16 hit dice
of the appropriate type appears. The caster then states the service he wishes completed. The service must be one
that is within the powers of the elemental, can be completed in one day/level of experience of the wu jen or less,
and can be done within the natural element of the elemental. Water elementals do not perform services that take
them to land, and fire elementals must remain in their fiery realms, for example.
If the creature makes a successful saving throw vs. spell it disappears instantly, returning to its own
plane. If the saving throw is failed, the elemental attempts to fulfill the mission. The wu jen need not supervise
the actions of the elemental, agreeing to meet it at some predetermined place when the mission is completed.
Typical services include fire elementals forging a blade in the heat of a volcano, water elementals recovering
items from the bottom of the ocean, earth elementals producing rare ores from the center of the earth, or air
elementals carrying the wu jen to some location. When the mission is completed and the meeting kept, the
elemental instantly returns to its own plane. Elementals resent being summoned and forced to perform services
and may attempt to exact revenge at some later date.

MC: A large quantity of the appropriate element and a written
document stating the exact nature of the service to be done.
