
Crane by Nancy Duong

  • change form 1/day per level
  • infravision & speak with animals in animal form

    - - - - -
    Character Classes & Races - - - Oriental Adventures

        Hengeyokai are intelligent, shape-changing animals. Several subraces exist, each a different type of
    animal. They are found throughout the Oriental world, usually on the fringes of human-settled lands.
    The ability to change shape is natural to hengeyokai. They are not lycanthropes and they do not have
    any of the symptoms of lycanthropy: they are not limited by cycles of the moon, are not especially susceptible
    to silver weapons, cannot transmit their power through wounds, and cannot heal their own wounds merely by
    changing shape.

        A hengeyokai can be a shukenja, kensai, bushi, or wu jen.
    He can never be a samurai or ninja, since he is not human.

        A player who decides to have a hengeyokai player character must have the minimum required scores for
    the race before modifications for animal type. Then he must choose his character's animal form. The traditional
    forms are carp, cat, crab, crane, dog, drake, fox, here, monkey, raccoon dog, rat, and sparrow. Table 11 lists the
    alignment restrictions and special abilities of each creature.

    Creature Alignment Damage AC Move Fly Swim Modifications
    Badger <?> <?> <?> <?> <?> <?> <?>
    Carp Any good - 7 - - 12" +1 WI, -1 ST
    Cat Any chaotic 1-3 9 12" - - +1 DE, -1 WI
    Crab Any 1-3 8 3" - 6" +2 ST, -2 CH
    Crane Any good 1-2 9 6" 12" - +1 WI, -1 DE
    Dog Any good 1-6 9 12" - - +1 CO, -1 IN
    Drake Any good - 7 6" 12" 9" +1 CH, -1 DE
    Fox Any evil 1-3 6 15" - - +1 IN, -1 WI
    Hare Any good - 5 18" - - +1 WI, -1 ST
    Monkey Any chaotic - 6 12" - - +2 DE, -2 WI
    Raccoon dog Any evil 1-6 9 9" - - +2 ST, -2 WI
    Rat Any evil 1-3 5 9" - - +2 CO, -2 CH
    Sparrow Any good - 3 3" 15" - +2 CH, -2 CO

    Q: What are the statistics for a badger
    hengeyokai (mentioned on page 13)?
    A: A badger is a ?raccoon dog? in Oriental
    parlance. The raccoon dog is listed on
    table 11 (page 12).

        The DM can add other creatures to this list if they are requested by the players. The animals listed are
    traditionally associated with hengeyokai.

    Alignment requirements for hengeyokai are strict, and apply to the character in all three of his forms.

    Damage listings are given for animals with natural weapons (teeth or claws). Natural weapons can be
    used only when the hengeyokai is in animal form, not when the character is in human or bipedal form.

    Armor class (AC) applies only to the animal form, not the bipedal or human form. It cannot be
    augmented by armor or shields.

    Move, Fly, and Swim indicate the character's movement rate in animal form. Some hengeyokai animals
    cannot move across land; this is indicated by a dash ("-"). The same applies to flying and swimming.
    Modifications indicates the changes to the character's agility scores based on the type of creature
    chosen. These cannot increase the character's scores above the racial maximums, but can make them lower than
    the minimums.

    A hengeyokai can assume any one of three shapes:
        its animal form,
        its human form, and
        a bipedal form that combines both animal and human features.
    This ability is limited, however. The number of times a
    hengeyokai can change forms in one day equals his level.  Thus a 1st-level hengeyokai can change from human
    to animal form once in a day. He then has to remain in animal form until the next day, when he can change to
    human or bipedal form. A 3rd-level hengeyokai can change form three times in one day.
    Changing form requires one complete round during which the character can do nothing else. Armor and
    equipment do not change form along with the hengeyokai. The character must make provisions for the storage
    or transportation of his equipment In some way.

    In each form, the hengeyokai has certain advantages and disadvantages. In all cases, however, the character's
    level and ability scores are unchanged. In addition, a hengeyokai can speak the language of hengeyokai in all

    Animal Form: When in animal form the hengeyokai is virtually undetectable from normal animals.
    Since the change of form is real and not an illusion, it cannot be detected by spells that reveal illusions. While in
    animal form, hengeyokai have the movement abilities, armor class, and damage range shown on Table 11:
    Hengeyokai Creatures.

    Hengeyokai also gain infravision and the power to speak with normal animals when in their animal
    form. Infravision has a range of 120 feet. Conversations with normal animals are usually quite simple and basic,
    depending on the level of cunning and wit possessed by the animal.

    Hengeyokai also have several disadvantages while in animal form. They cannot use any weapons, armor, or
    equipment, making it possible for them to be mistaken for (and even hunted as) normal animals. Hengeyokai
    with magical abilities cannot cast any spells in animal form, nor can they speak any languages other than those
    of the hengeyokai and the normal animals. They can understand any language they know, but may not be able
    to reply.

    The hengeyokai has fewer hit points in his animal form than in either of his other forms. Hengeyokai in
    animal form have only one-half their normal number of hit points (rounded up). Hit points lost in one form are
    carried over point-for-point to the new form. Thus a hengeyokai with 23 hit points in human form has only 12
    hit points in animal form. If the character is wounded and loses 8 hit points, he has 15 hit points remaining
    when in human or bipedal form, but only 4 in animal form. A hengeyokai cannot change to animal form if this
    would leave him with 0 or fewer hit points.

    When a hengeyokai character reaches 0 hit points in any form, he is slain. A hengeyokai in animal form
    with 0 hit points left does not instantly change to one of his other forms. He is dead.

    Bipedal Form: In this form the hengeyokai appears as a humanoid animal. He stands on his hind legs
    (or whatever) to the height of a normal man. The front paws (or wings, or fins) change into hands, capable of
    gripping and using normal equipment. The rest of the body retains the general shape and appearance of the
    animal, including fur, feathers, wings, tail, and other characteristic features.

    While in bipedal form, the hengeyokai has several advantages. He can speak any language he knows,
    including human and animal languages; he has infravision with a range of 120 feet; he can use any weapons,
    armor, and equipment normally available to his class; and he has his full number of hit points.

    Bipedal form also has several disadvantages. The hengeyokai cannot use the special movement abilities
    of its animal form (a bipedal carp cannot swim like a carp, but must use the normal swimming rules; a bipedal
    sparrow cannot use its wings to fly). The hengeyokai's bipedal movement rate is 12 ". The bipedal hengeyokai
    is also easily identified for what it really is.

    Human Form: When in human form, a hengeyokai looks like a normal human being. However, he
    always retains some distinctive feature of his animal form. A raccoon dog hengeyokai may have a silver stripe
    through his hair. A sparrow hengeyokai may have an unusually sharp nose. The choice of the exact identifying
    feature is left to the player and the DM.

    Human form grants certain advantages to the hengeyokai. Obviously, he can pose as a human being.
    Like his animal form, this form is not an illusion and cannot be detected by spells that reveal illusions. He can
    use all weapons, armor, equipment, and spells normally available to his class. He has his full number of hit

    The following disadvantages also apply: the hengeyokai has no infravision; he loses all special
    movement abilities, moving at the standard human movement rate (12"; he cannot speak to animals, although
    he can still understand their speech.

    Hengeyokai have their own language, which is the same for all hengeyokai regardless of their animal
    type. They can speak this language in all of their three forms. In addition, hengeyokai can converse with normal
    animals and speak the trade language of humans. As noted earlier, however, both of these powers depend on the
    hengeyokai's current form.

    Most hengeyokai are chaotic, although player character hengeyokai can be lawful or neutral. Various
    animal types must be good or evil, as noted on Table 11. The alignment tendencies of the various animals are
    well known by humans, who will treat hengeyokai accordingly. A badger hengeyokai, for example, will be
    shunned by humans because they know it is evil.

    Unlike the other races (including humans), hengeyokai are not members of a clan and do not gain the
    benefits (or suffer the penalties) of clan kinship. In general, the hengeyokai are a secretive race, preferring to
    avoid prolonged contact with humans. They have little desire for land or position and can never establish
    families or strongholds even if their chosen class allows this.

    Hengeyokai of good alignment, however, can become protectors of a humanfamily or village upon
    reaching the level where other members of their class could begin establishing families or strongholds. As
    protectors, they are expected to defend the land from outsiders and see to the general well-being of the
    inhabitants. In return, they receive offerings of food, gifts, and service from those they protect. These offerings
    are sufficient to cover the needs of the hengeyokai character.




    Stephan Martiniere - Blue Fox

    by Keith Parkinson



    Rat Princess by Anu Jalo

    <Shang-Ti should be allowed to have Sparrow Hengeyokai Shukenja, in theory>
    <Chung Kuel should be allowed to have Fox Hengeyokai Shukenja, in theory>
    <if so, makes notes in the DDG>

    S12 (Bushi & kensai can have exceptional scores in Strength)
    -1 Comeliness

    CLASSES: Shukenja 8, Kensai 6, Bushi U, Wu Jen 9.

    * animal form (use Damage, AC, Move/Fly/Swim in Table 11 : 1/2 HP in animal form)
        * infravision 120' in animal form
        * speak with animals in animal form

    * bipedal form

    * human form

    <finish above>


    <below is for halfling: use this template for the 3 OA races>
        STRENGTH: 6/17
        INTELLIGENCE: 6/18
        WISDOM: 3/17
        DEXTERITY: 8/19
        CONSTITUTION: 10/18
        CHARISMA: 3/18
    RACISM, Hairfoot (HH): Neutral (duergar, svirfneblin, half-orcs), Tolerant (AG: -5%: hill dwarves, mountain dwarves, gray elves, high elves, valley elves, wild elves, wood elves, surface gnomes, half-elves, humans), Antipathy (L: -5%, AG: -10%: drow), Preferred (L: +20%, AG: +15%: all halflings).
    RACISM, Stout (HS):
    RACISM, Tallfellow (HT):
    STARTING AGE: Druid (40+3d4), Fighter (20+3d4), Thief (40+2d4)
    AGE CATEGORIES: Young adult (23-33), Mature (34-68), Middle-aged (69-101), Old (102-144), Venerable (145-199)
    HEIGHT, M: 36. 01-10 (-d3), 11-90 (d100, 01-30 = -d3(/2), 31-70 = 0, 71-00 = +d3(/2)), 91-00 (+d6).
    HEIGHT, F: 33. 01-10 (-d3), 11-90 (d100, 01-30 = -d3(/2), 31-70 = 0, 71-00 = +d3(/2)), 91-00 (+d3).
    WEIGHT, M: 60. 01-10 (-2d4), 11-50 (d100, 01-30 = -d4, 31-70 = 0, 71-00 = +d4), 51-00 (+2d6).
    WEIGHT, F: 50. 01-10 (-2d4), 11-50 (d100, 01-30 = -d4, 31-70 = 0, 71-00 = +d4), 51-00 (+2d4).