

L^: sh6
R#: 0
D^: S
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1 day
S^: S
A^: Caster only

Effect: By means of this spell, the character is able to increase his lifespan beyond his normal limit.

When the
spell is cast, the shukenja must make a successful system shock roll for the spell to have effect. If the roll is
failed, the shukenja dies. If successful, the spell increases the lifespan of the shukenja by 2d10 years. Physical
aging is slowed proportionately to the increase in lifespan. A shukenja who through this spell increased his age
to 120 years would have the appearance of a spry man of 80 at the end of his life. This spell can be cast multiple
times and there is no limit to the number of years the shukenja can add to his life. However, the system shock
roll must be made each time the spell is cast.

MC: A bowl of fresh peaches and an offering to the shukenja's deity worth at least 100 ch'ien.
