Players familiar with the barbarian class described in Unearthed Arcane should read this section
carefully, as Oriental barbarians are different from their Western counterparts.

A barbarian must have STR && CON scores of 15 or better, a DEX score of 14 or better, and a WIS score of 16 or less. <e>

Barbarians have no prime requisite and never gain an experience point bonus.
They cannot be lawful.
Humans and korobokuru can be barbarians.
Barbarians roll 12-sided dice to determine their HP, gaining one die per level. They use the
combat and saving throw tables of fighters. They can use any weapons and armor. Their initial selection of
weapon proficiencies, however, is limited, depending on where the barbarian is from.
Barbarians gain an additional 2 hit points per level for every point of Constitution over 14 instead of the
Constitution bonuses listed on Table 4.

Barbarians as a class detest magic and those who use it. At low levels of experience they cannot use any
sort of magical item and even at higher levels they can use only a few magical items. They never gain
experience for discovering or possessing a magical item. If a barbarian destroys a magical item, however, he
earns its full experience point value. In addition, at low levels barbarians cannot associate with wu jen or spirit
folk, but consider them deadly foes (see Table 15: Barbarian Bonuses for restrictions on barbarians adventuring
with wu jen and spirit folk). Even at higher levels, barbarians view these characters with suspicion.

Experience Points Experience Level 10-sided Dice for Accum. Hit Points THACO Saves Proficiencies Damage Bonus
0 -- 0 - 20n - - -
0 -- 0 - 20n - - -
0 -- 4,000 1 1 20 (1/1) - - -
4,001 -- 8,000 2 2 19 - - -
8,001 -- 16,000 3 3 18 - - -
16,001 -- 32,000 4 4 17 - - -
32,001 -- 75,000 5 5 16 - - -
75,001 -- 130,000 6 6 15 - - -
130,001 -- 240,000 7 7 14 (3/2) - - -
240,001 --- 460,000 8 8 13 - - -
460,001 -- 900,000 9 8 + 4 12 - - -
900,001 -- 1,400,000 10 8 + 8 11 - - -
1,400,001 -- 1,900,000 11 8 + 12 10 - - -
- 12 - 9 - - -
- 13 - 8 - - -

    500,000 experience points are required for each level beyond 11th.
    Barbarians gain 4 gp per level beyond 8th.

At 1st level, the barbarian has the following special capabilities (also see Table 16).

Climb cliffs and trees: The barbarian can climb trees and natural cliffs (ledges, mountains, etc.) with
the percentage chances given on Table 16: Barbarian Capabilities. When attempting to climb other, smoother
surfaces (walls, etc.) the chance of success is one-half normal.

Hide in natural surroundings: The barbarian can hide in familiar natural surroundings (similar to those
in his home region) with the percentages listed on Table 16. When trying to hide in unfamiliar terrain, the
chance of success is one-half the normal percentage.

Surprise: Barbarians have a 3 in 6 chance to surprise an opponent. They are surprised only on a 1.

Back protection: When attacked from behind (including by a ninja), the barbarian has a 5% chance per
level of detecting the attacker. If detected, the attack is treated as a normal attack with no bonuses for attacking
from behind. In addition, the barbarian automatically gets a free attack at the opponent behind him. This attack
happens at the end of the round and does not count against the number of attacks the barbarian can make during
the round.

Leaping and springing: Barbarians can leap up to 10 feet forward, three feet backward, or three feet
upward from a standing start. If the barbarian gets a running start, he can leap forward 16-21 feet (15 + 1d6) or
upward 41/2-6 feet (4 + 1 d4, with each pip of the die equaling six inches).

Detect Illusion: A barbarian has a 5% chance per level of detecting illusions. This requires one round of
concentration while the barbarian focuses on his senses. A barbarian's chance to detect an illusion can never be
greater than 75%.

Detect magic: Barbarians have a base 25% chance plus 5% per level of detecting any type of magic
other than illusions. This requires one round of concentration and applies to spells and items. It does not allow
the barbarian to detect spellcasters or creatures who can cast spells. Successful detection only reveals that
something magical is presets, not its type or function. The chance of detection can never be greater than 90

Leadership: When dealing with barbarians of the same tribe or region as the character, a barbarian
character adds his level of experience to his Charisma score when determining his maximum number of
henchmen, loyalty base, and reaction adjustment.

Healing: The barbarian character, toughened by his life in the wild, heals at twice the normal healing
rate. This ability has no effect on cure spells or magical healing of any type.
Barbarians begin the game with nine proficiency slots. Up to six of these slots can be filled with weapon
proficiencies. The remaining slots can be filled by skills determined by the region the barbarian is from. A
barbarian speaks the language of his tribe and the trade language. No barbarian starts the game knowing how to
read or write. Korobokuru speak only those languages allowed by their race.
In addition to the powers possessed by barbarians at 1st level, they gain additional capabilities (or have
restrictions lifted) as they increase in level. These are summarized on Table 15: Barbarian Bonuses.

Level Ability
3 Can use magical potions
4 Can use magical weapons, +1 on all saving throws versus spell
5 Can use magical armor
6 Earns half XP on adventures with wu jen and spirit folk
7 Can use weapon-like miscellaneous magic items
8 Earns full XP on adventures with wu jen and spirit folk
9 Can use protection scrolls (if he can read)
10 +2 on saving throws versus spell
11 Can summon a Barbarian Horde
12 +3 on saving throws versus spell


Climb Hide Back 
1 85 25 5 5 30
2 86 31 10 10 35
3 87 37 15 15 40
4 88 43 20 20 45
5 89 49 25 25 50
6 90 56 30 30 55
7 91 63 35 35 60
8 92 70 40 40 65
9 93 77 45 45 70
10 94 85 50 50 75
11 95 93 55 55 80

Within the world of Oriental AD&D Adventures, there are three territories where barbarians live-the
barren steppelands, the forested seacoasts; of the north, and the jungles of the south. All barbarians come from
one of these areas. Each area allows the character a different selection of proficiencies.

Steppeland barbarians: These barbarians are roving nomads, masters of the hone. Their preferred
weapons are the light lance, horsebow, sword, and hand axe. Proficiencies they can choose from are
horsemanship, long-distance signaling, outdoor craft, tracking, animal handling, weapon smith, armorer,
bowyer, running, dancing, singing, weaving, tanning, sound imitation, survival, and chanting. These barbarians
usually live in leather tells, following the movements of migratory herds. They raise small herds of cattle and
sheep, but practice no other agriculture.

Forest barbarians: These barbarians live in the snowy forests that dot small islands and line the coasts
of the northern part of the world. Their preferred weapons are spear, shortbow, hand axe, harpoon, and sword.
Proficiencies they can choose from are small water craft, fishing, tracking, survival, animal handling, weapon
smithing, pottery, bowyer, sound imitation, snare building, weaving, tanning, carpentry, agriculture, singing,
chanting, dancing, and rhetoric. These barbarians live in small, permanent villages. The women raise small
crops, the men hunt and fish.

Q: What, exactly, is the forest barbarian's rhetoric ability?
Isn't rhetoric a little highbrow for uncivilized barbarians?
Wouldn't rhetoric be useful as a court proficiency?

A: According to David Cook, designer of
Oriental Adventures, the forest barbarian's
rhetoric proficiency is the art of longwinded
argument. Essentially, the two
opponents sit face-to-face, take deep
breaths, and talk nonstop. The first one
who pauses for breath loses. This proficiency
has nothing to do with logic or the
elegant use of words, in spite of its name.
It is strictly a barbarian proficiency.

Q: One of the forest barbarian's preferred
weapons is the harpoon. This
weapon isn't mentioned in the rules.

A: The harpoon is described in Unearthed
Arcana, on pages 26, 27, and 77.

Jungle barbarians: These people live in the tropical jungles of the south. Their preferred weapons are
blowgun, spear, sword, hand axe, and dagger. Proficiencies they can choose from are small water craft, fishing,
swimming, survival, animal handling, carpentry, weapon smith, armorer, sound imitation, snare building,
pottery, tracking, chanting, dancing,
music, and sailing craft. They live in permanent villages, surviving by gathering jungle plants, hulling wild
animals, and fishing.

Barbarians are automatically considered outsiders and thus occupy the lowest levels of the caste system.
Barbarian characters never roll on Table 38: Character Birth. When dealing with people from the settled lands,
the birth of the barbarian has little importance. The military and financial power of the barbarian is a far more
important factor. The barbarian's clan is very important to him and other barbarians, and all barbarians must
belong to a particular clan.

The Barbarian Horde: Upon reaching 11th level, a barbarian may summon a barbarian horde.
This horde can only be summoned in the barbarian's native territory, from among those of his background.
The horde can include a number of men equal to its leader's experience point total divided by 2000.
It cannot exceed the eligible population of the AREA.

In addition to normal barbarians, the horde also will contain one aide for every 500 men (or fraction thereof).
These aides will have one-half the levels of the leader (rounded down). Each aide has two assistants of
one-half his level. In addition the horde includes various witch doctors or shamans, whichever is appropriate to
the type of barbarians. These may be a boon or curse, as they provide helpful spells but also are prone to
meddling and fomenting unrest.

The horde assembles at the rate of 500 men per week, all arriving at some pre-designated point in the
barbarian's home territory. Once assembled, it must have a clearly stated purpose-"Attack the invaders of our
homeland," "pillage the settled lands;' or "join and assist the rebels against the emperor" are common examples.
Once this purpose is stated it cannot be changed or the horde disbands and the members return to their homes.
Likewise, if the horde remains inactive for more than a few weeks, its members gradually desert.
The horde can be held together for a period of weeks equal to the leader's level, and even this is difficult.
The leader will be constantly called upon to intervene in blood feuds and rivalries, settle claims and assign
punishments, and protect himself from the political maneuvers and plots of his underlings. If the horde manages
to accumulate substantial treasure (through pillage, looting, or ransoms), the leader can try to hold it together
longer: Each week beyond the normal maximum the leader must appeal to the horde. A reaction check is made
and, if successful, the horde remains for another week. The DM can modify this dice roll based on the horde's
take of treasure the previous week or prospects for even greater success. However; no horde ever remains
together for more weeks than 1½ times the leader's level. <>

If the horde disbands after a successful campaign (i.e. the members go home with significant treasure),
the leader will find little difficulty raising a new horde during the next years. Indeed, he will be hailed as a hero
among the barbarians who followed him. If, on the other hand, the horde met with little success or disaster
while under the character's guidance, his chances of ever raising another horde are extremely slim. In fact, he
can expect a very poor welcome should he return to the land of his birth.


1. SUBCLASS = fighter
2. SOCIAL CLASS MINIMUM = roll on Birth Rank table required
    STRENGTH = 15
    WISDOM = 16 (max)
    DEXTERITY = 14
    CHARISMA = 6
    PERCEPTION = <x>
4. POSSIBLE RACES & MAX. LEVEL ATTAINABLE = korobokuru (10), human (U)
6. HIT DIE TYPE = d12
11. WEAPONS PERMITTED = any (Proficiency in or use of ninja preferred weapons will lead to a loss of honor for the character.)
13. POISON PERMITTED = DM's option
14. ALIGNMENT = any non-Lawful
15. STARTING MONEY = 1-6 tael (ch'ao) + 1-100 yuan (10-60 sp + 5-500 cp)
20. COMBAT = fighter (7-12: 3/2) (13+: 2/1)
21. SAVING THROWS = fighter
23. FAMILY = required
24. HONOR =
25. SKILLS = 9@L1 (max. 6 slots used for weapons), 10@L3, 11@L6, 12@L9