

L^: sh4, wj7
R#: T
D^: One day/level
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1r
S^: S
A^: Creature touched

Effect: With this spell the shukenja revives a recently dead character (dead for no more than 24 hours) into a state of half-life, neither dead nor fully alive.

The reanimated character must make a successful system shock
roll for the spell to have effect, although this does not cause a loss of Constitution. If successful, the reanimated
character has 1 hit point. The reanimated character cannot fight or use magical items and has no spells
memorized (nor can it regain spells), but it can move and speak. The movement rate is half normal and the
speech is slow and slurred. Furthermore, the reanimated character's memory is cloudy and confused and it has
trouble remembering even basic details concerning its past life and friends. If left unwatched, the character is
prone to wander off randomly with no conception of where it is going or where it has been. The reanimated
character can be slain again (and reanimated again if necessary). While in this state, the character has no need of
food, sleep or drink. The reanimated character can be returned to normal function through the use of a raise
dead, resurrection, limited wish, or wish spell.

MC: A prayer-inscribed strip of white cloth, the shukenja's holy symbol, and a stick of incense.

MC.Wu Jen: A white shawl, incense, and a golden amulet shaped like a phoenix.
