FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Cold Wilderness Forest], [Cold Wilderness Plains])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Temperate Wilderness Forest], [Temperate Wilderness Plains])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Tropical Wilderness Forest], [Tropical Wilderness Plains])
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Astral Plane])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Ethereal Plane])

NO. APPEARING: 1 (1-4)
MOVE: 6" / 39" (MC: [D])
% IN LAIR: 0
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 or 2
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-12 or 1-8/1-8
ALIGNMENT: Neutral good
    Attack/Defense Modes: [SB]
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: IX | 8600 + 30

The phoenix,
so rarely seen on the PMP,
is native to the Upper Outer Planes of Elysium,
Of course,
the phoenix is quite capable of dwelling in nearly any climate or even the void, <no WSG damage> <link?>
as cold,
and like conditions won't {harm} it.
a phoenix prefers beauty <COM link?> and sylvan peace and will typically be found only in such places on the Prime Material Plane.
phoenix feathers command an average of 50 gp each,
their gem-like beak,
and eyes a hundred times that <(5000 gp each)>,
and their bodies are prized by alchemists <link> seeking to make certain potions. <which ones?>
the rare phoenix is rarer still. <very rare> <actually, very rare (at best), or somesuch, a la the drow entry in the FF>

A phoenix in flight attacks with its diamond-hard talons.
When on the ground it has but a single attack with its long,
sharp beak.
being both intelligent <(Genius)> <(alt: Einstein)(ref: BD5.46+10)> and magical,
a phoenix usually opts for more effective measures of attack and defense.

The piercing whistle voiced by a phoenix enables it to <often> act first in melee,
as opponents within a 30-foot radius are so affected by the sound as to give the phoenix a +3 advantage on its initiative die.
With this advantage,
the creature can use any of the following spell-like powers,
1 at a time,
1 per melee round,
at 20th level,
affect normal fires,
audible glamer,
call woodland beings (once per day), <(1 per day)>
control temperature within a 10-foot radius, <revise/link>
continual light,
color spray 3 times per day,
dancing lights,
duo-dimension once per day <(1 per day)>,
find the path once per day <(1 per day)>,
find traps,
fire charm,
fire quench once per day <(1 per day)>,
fire seeds once per day <(1 per day)>,
[fire shield],
[fire storm] once per day <(1 per day)>,
[heat metal] 3 times per day,
[improved invisibility],
[incendiary cloud] once per week <(1 per week)>,
[neutralize poison] once per day <(1 per day)>,
[polymorph self] 3 times per day,
[produce fire],
[reincarnate] once per day <(1 per day)>,
[remove curse],
[remove fear] within a 10-foot radius,
[snake charm],
[veil] once per day <(1 per day)>,
[wall of fire] once per day <(1 per day)>.

The phoenix needs only to spread its wings and voice a call to [dispel illusion] or [dispel magic] <C or MU?> at the 40th level of ability.
the dance of a phoenix acts as a double-strength (40th level) [exorcise] spell and is effective against all but the greatest of evil magics, <magicks, would be more consistent with traditional AD&D spelling>
such as that of an artifact or relic. <link & link>

A phoenix automatically detects charms, <link>
and magic. <link> <C or MU, ea?>
It radiates a 10-foot radius [protection from evil].
The creature can become ethereal and travel astrally or ethereally. <link & link> <armor of etherealness? astral projection? astral travel?>
It can only be hit by +3 or better weapons. <note this up at AC>
The phoenix can never be surprised.
It has infravision to 120 feet and double <(x2)> normal ultravision. <link & link> <BTW, cf. WSG.74>
A touch of its wing is equal to a [cure light wounds] spell,
with 2 touches possible per individual per day per phoenix.
A touch of the comb gives an effect equal to [cure disease], <one could lay in an image map for the .jpg, unseen, linking to here from the comb>
but is restricted in the same manner as a [staff of curing].
When hard-pressed,
the phoenix is able to cause spilled droplets of its own blood to act as [fire seeds] of the holly berry type, <improve link?>
1 being created for every 5 points of damage taken by the phoenix.
In extremis, <italics added>
the phoenix creates a double-strength (40th level) combination of [fire storm] (2" high x 5" wide x 8" deep) and [incendiary cloud],
even if it has already used these powers previously.
This destroys the adult phoenix but leaves a gem-like egg behind from which a new phoenix will arise in 20 days. <thinking of R3>
As well as its own language, <done: noted at the DMG>
a phoenix can speak with all avians.
It otherwise communicates by limited [telepathy] or by [empathy] and [telempathy] of a limited sort.

Although the phoenix can neither attack nor be attacked by psionic means,
the creature has the following disciplinary powers:
[cell adjustment] (cleric class) once per day <1 per day> at 20th level;
[energy control] 3 times per day,
[molecular agitation] 3 times per day at 20th level;
[probability travel] once per week <1 per week> at 10th level.

A phoenix appears similar to a peacock, <cf. BATTLESYSTEM, art school>
although it is far larger and its beak is longer in proportion.
The plumage includes bright violet,
crimson and flaming orange areas. <color>
Beak and claws are of blue-violet.
Eyes are a deep,
glowing ruby color.


The phoenix is the sacred animal of Girru and Huhueteotl.

Question: In reading through past issues of DRAGON Magazine, I
noticed that several times characters and monsters have been described
differently from the presentations in the official AD&D books.
I now have two different versions of Circe, Medea, the phoenix, and several others.
Which version is correct?
