

L^: sh4
R#: T
D^: S
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1r
S^: Neg.
A^: Creature touched

Effect: When this spell is cast, the shukenja delivers a stern lecture on the evil ways of the victim, filling the victim with guilt and regret over his actions.

The spell can only be used on creatures of low or greater
Intelligence and only if the victim understands the speech of the shukenja. The victim is allowed a saving throw
versus spell to avoid the effect, although creatures subdued in combat receive no saving throw. Should the spell
be successful, the creature repents of his evil action. This is either an action just committed or, if no recent
action applies, some action committed in the past. The remorseful creature forswears from committing this
action again (with the same consequences as an oath spell) and also seeks to expiate his guilt through some
appropriate deed or offering. Thus if a highwayman were struck with remorse, he would forswear such banditry
and would seek to return his ill-gotten gains to their rightful owners. Likewise, an evil monster terrorizing the
countryside would put this behavior behind it and might attempt to repair the damage it caused. When making
restitution for his actions, the remorseful creature is not required to reveal himself (since this might result in
harm to himself), but can do so secretly, concealing his presence and identity from those he has wronged.
Should circumstances make restitution impossible, the creature can perform some service for another of
appropriate magnitude to the evil deeds he has committed. No restitution can be for the gain or advantage of the
shukenja or the player characters, but must be a service that helps the general community. The shukenja
character can suggest appropriate restitution at the time of casting the spell, but the DM has the final decision as
to what is appropriate. An atonement spell can cancel the effects of remorse.

MC: A pearl (which must be given freely to the creature) and the shukenja's holy symbol.
