(Chinese: Tong Shu (Secret society member))

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Oriental Classes - - - Oriental Adventures

Table 34: Yakuza
Experience Points Experience Level 6-sided Dice 
for Accum. 
Hit Points
- - - - - - - - - - -
0 -- 2,000 1 1 20n ppdm13.pp12.rsw14.bw16.s15 15 10 25 30 10 Investigate, Talk, Stipend
2,001 -- 4,000 2 2 20n ppdm13.pp12.rsw14.bw16.s15 21 15 29 35 10 ADD kyodai-bun
4,001 -- 8,000 3 3 20n ppdm13.pp12.rsw14.bw16.s15 27 20 33 40 15 -
8,001 -- 16,000 4 4 20n ppdm13.pp12.rsw14.bw16.s15 33 25 37 45 15 -
16,001 -- 30,000 5 5 19 ppdm12.pp11.rsw12.bw15.s13 40 31 42 50 20 -
30,001 -- 60,000 6 6 19 ppdm12.pp11.rsw12.bw15.s13 47 37 47 55 20 -
60,001 -- 130,000 7 7 19 ppdm12.pp11.rsw12.bw15.s13 55 43 52 60 25 -
130,001 -- 260,000 8 8 19 ppdm12.pp11.rsw12.bw15.s13 62 49 57 65 25 -
260,001 -- 520,000 9 9 16 ppdm11.pp10.rsw10.bw14.s11 70 56 62 70 30 -
520,001 -- 800,000 10 9 + 1 16 ppdm11.pp10.rsw10.bw14.s11 78 63 67 80 30 -
800,001 -- 1,100,000 11 9 + 2 16 ppdm11.pp10.rsw10.bw14.s11 86 70 72 90 35 -
1,100,001 -- 1,400,000 12 9 + 3 16 ppdm11.pp10.rsw10.bw14.s11 94 77 77 100 35 -

300,000 experience points are required for each level beyond 12th.
Yakuza gain 1 hit point per level beyond 9th.



Table 23: NINJA DEXTERITY ADJUSTMENTS <change title, shrink, re-order columns>
Ability Score Picking Pockets Moving Silently Hiding in Shadows Open Locks
9 -15% -20% -10% -15%
10 -10% -15% -05% -10%
11 -05% -10% 0 -05%
12 0 -05% 0 0
13 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 0
16 0 0 0 0
17 +05% +05% +05% +05%
18 +10% +10% +10% +10%


300,000 experience points are required for each level beyond 12th.
Yakuza gain 1 hit point per level beyond 9th.

The yakuza is many different things, depending on who is asked. He has been called a protector of the
common man, thug, extortionist, rowdy, thief, mercenary, jack-of-all-trades, and even an unofficial police force.
He is simultaneously despised and respected, sometimes even supported by the local daimyo.
On one hand, he represents the shadowy underworld, directing and controlling illegal activities.
On the other hand, he provides protection for the helpless and watches over those under his care. Of course, such paternal care has a price, and
it is from this that the yakuza makes his living. Because the powers of a yakuza come from dealing with other
people, the character class is only truly effective in urban areas. Yakuza operating in the countryside find their
life lonely and difficult.

The minimum requirements to become a yakuza character are STR 11, INT 15, DEX 15,
and Charisma 16. Yakuza have no prime requisite and never earn an experience point bonus for high ability
scores. They must always be lawful but are rarely lawful good.

Yakuza use 6-sided dice to determine their HP, gaining one die per level. They use the combat and
saving throw tables of thieves. They can use any weapon, but are restricted in their choice of armor as shown on
Table 13. They cannot use shields. Yakuza must belong to a family clan (which is their yakuza organization, not
their natural family) and must determine their birth rank with a -5 modifier on the die roll. Yakuza begin play
with three proficiency slots available. In addition, they automatically have the gaming proficiency.
Beginning with 1st level yakuza have the following thief abilities-move silently, hide in shadows, open
locks, and pick pockets. The yakuza has the same chances of success in these as a ninja character of the same
level. Yakuza also hear noise as well as a monk of the same level.
Besides these abilities, yakuza have two unique abilities.


The first of these is investigate. This ability
allows the yakuza to gain what otherwise might be secret information about anything in his region. This is very
useful in preparing plans and maintaining control over an area. The yakuza could, through discreet inquiries,
gain the floorplans of a residence, learn where a lord conceals a particular item, obtain the guards' schedule at a
daimyo's palace, learn who stole a particular item, obtain the identity of a police informer, find a shady
merchant willing to buy stolen goods, etc. The power is not magical and the information doesn't come from a
supernatural source. Rather, the information is quietly gathered from people in the area-dissatisfied servants,
observant innkeepers, etc.

The investigate ability has several restrictions. First, the ability cannot gain information that is legendary
in nature-the powers of a magical item, the hidden treasure of a spirit creature, etc. Second, it doesn't work
automatically. Table 35: Yakuza Capabilities lists the character's chance to find what he's looking for. Third,
investigating takes time and money. Common information (facts that are known by lots of people) requires one
day of investigation and costs 2d6 fen. Uncommon information (facts known only by a few people, but not
secrets) requires 1-3 days of investigation and costs 2d4 yuan. Confidential information (known to only one or
two people and told to them in confidence) requires 2d6 days of investigation and costs 2d10 tael. Secret
information (known by only one or two people and highly sensitive) requires 3d6 days and costs 2d10 ch'ien or

There is also a chance that the information found is dated or partially incorrect. Common information is
always accurate. Uncommon information has a 10% chance to be inaccurate. Confidential information has a
25% chance to be inaccurate and secret information has a 40% chance to be inaccurate. Inaccurate information
is not useless: just some portion of the information is wrong. A guard may have a slightly different schedule, or
a new wall may have been added to a floorplan.

The investigate ability also has special range restrictions. These are not defined in terms of feet, yards,
or miles, but areas of operation. The range restrictions are listed on Table 35 under Area Covered. Each is
measured from the standard base of operations for the yakuza character and is described below.

Block: This is the area within one block of the character's base of operations. Anything outside this
range is not the yakuza's area and is unfamiliar to him.


Ward: Oriental cities are commonly divided into wards. Each ward usually has its own police and local
government authorities responsible for local administration. A ward is composed of many blocks. In some cities
the wards are separated by walls and gates.


District: This is an unofficial designation that covers several wards. A district usually is identified by
some outstanding feature-the types of shops and businesses, a nearby temple, or a geographical feature. Cities
with walled wards usually have organized districts with guards and officials to administer the different wards.

Province: The yakuza is able to gain information throughout the entire province.

Table 35: Yakuza Cababilities <Investigate>
Level Investigate Area Covered
1 20% 1 block
2 24% 1 block
3 28% 2 blocks
4 32% 2 blocks
5 36% 3 blocks
6 40% 3 blocks
7 44% 1 ward
8 48% 1 ward
9 52% 1 ward
10 56% 2 wards
11 60% 2 wards
12 64% 2 wards
13 68% 1 district
14 72% 1 district
15 76% 1 district
16 80% 2 districts
17 84% 2 districts
18 88% 2 districts
19 92% 3 districts
20 95% 3 districts
21 95% Province

    Common information (facts that are known by lots of people) = 1 day + 2d6 fen
    Uncommon information (facts known only by a few people, but not secrets) = 1d3 days + 2d4 yuan
    Confidential information (known only to one or two people and told to them in confidence) = 2d6 days + 2d10 tael
    Secret information (known by only one or two people and highly sensitive) = 3d6 days

Another resource of the yakuza is his contacts. Contacts are NPCs who can provide the yakuza with
specialized information and aid. They will not join him on adventures, but will buy stolen goods, provide a
secure hideout, carry messages, and provide information. Contacts never do anything that might put them in
peril, although they may risk their reputations. They remain cooperative with the yakuza and silent about his
activities (and their involvement) so long as they are fairly treated, not threatened, and not implicated in
anything. A yakuza character receives one contact for every two experience levels. The contacts are not named
or defined by the DM or by a table. Instead, when the player wants his character to use a contact, he decides the
name and position of the contact and tells the DM. The DM decides whether the contact is appropriate for the
character. The contact cannot be more than four experience levels above the yakuza, and the yakuza character
must have had some plausible reason for meeting the contact in the past. If the DM rules the contact is
acceptable, information about the contact is noted on the yakuza character's sheet. One available contact of the
yakuza has been used. Thereafter the contact can be used again by the yakuza as needed. (The DM may want to
note information about the contact and create a fitting personality.) The player is responsible for keeping track
of the names of his character's contacts.

Some examples of acceptable contacts include the gate keeper of a ward, a ship captain, a minor samurai
in the service of a daimyo, a district magistrate, or a wealthy merchant. Basically, the DM must rely on his
judgment when determining whether a contact is acceptable.
Like other characters, the yakuza possesses a ki power. By focusing his energy he can sense and
anticipate his opponents' moves for short periods of time. This lets the yakuza position himself to minimize the
danger from an attack-sidestepping slightly at the last minute, partially blocking the target point, etc. This ki
power does not foil the attack, it only reduces the amount of damage the character suffers by one-half (round
fractions up). The power can be used once per round, a number of times per day equal to the experience level of
the yakuza.

To be successful, the yakuza quickly learns to master of the art of dealing with others. Yakuza must
know when it is best to threaten, cajole, befriend, bribe, or persuade. Because of this, the yakuza gains a + 10%
bonus on encounter reaction rolls, except for those where social status is involved.

The family of a yakuza is not his natural family. Upon becoming a yakuza, the character is adopted into
a yakuza kumi or organization of yakuzas. This arrangement is identical to a normal family clan. There is a
family head (oyabun), uncles, fathers, and brothers. The yakuza is expected to treat these members as if they
were blood relations, and indeed some of them may be related. Since this is not a true family, however, the
yakuza does not roll on Table 39: Ancestry or Table 40: Birthrights.

The yakuza family does have honor (Zing)
which must be maintained, with all the normal consequences and restrictions. Belonging to the yakuza family
does have its rewards. Each month the yakuza automatically receives 2 ch'ien per experience level as a stipend.
Starting at 2nd level the yakuza is able to call upon a number of his brethren (kyodai-bun) to assist him
in an enterprise. The brethren can be called only once per level. They must be at least one experience level
beneath the player character and can never be higher than 8th level. The player character call up to his
experience level in brethren. He isn't required to summon all he is allowed. Once the brethren have been called,
no more can be called for the remainder of that level. Of course, major enterprises must be approved by oyabun.

All yakuza families have a base of operations-their territory. Each family is very possessive of this
territory. It is, after all, the source of their income and power. Secret wars and feuds are often waged between
different yakuza families struggling to retain or usurp a particular district of a city. Since these territories are not
official lands, they can co-exist within the boundaries of other states. The center of the base of operations is
whatever place the head of the family makes its headquarters. Initially, each new character is assigned some
small part of this territory. As he rises in level, he gains more knowledge and becomes responsible for more of
the family's territory.

Within a family it is necessary to identify the members and their rank. Yakuza do this with tattoos.
Initially, the yakuza character begins with a small tattoo on his arm. Each time the yakuza increases a level,
another portion of his body is tattooed. The face, hands, and feet are never tattooed, but high level yakuza have
tattoos covering their entire back, chest, and arms. These tattoos show the character's rank and serve as a
warning to others. Everyone knows what these tattoos symbolize and quickly learn not to bother such a person.

Honor is important to the yakuza. As a member of the underworld, however, he lives by a different code
of honor than the samurai. Should the yakuza's honor fall below that of his family, he is cast out of the family.
He can regain his membership at a later time. When cast out, he is treated as a non-person. No one within the
territory will speak to him or give him aid of any type for fear of retribution. His death will not be avenged by
his family, although other yakuza families still treat him as an enemy.

Although sometimes tolerated, condoned, or even recognized by the government, yakuza are still
considered criminals. They always risk being arrested and punished for crimes they commit. Such punishments
range from imprisonment to humiliating execution. The yakuza must be wary of the law at all times.
Because of their outlaw status, it is to the family's best interest to keep everything in its territory running
smoothly and quietly. They are extremely strict about any enterprises undertaken in their area. All activities of
the family are supervised and controlled by superiors, who report to the head of the family. When a yakuza or
stranger creates trouble in the family's territory, the family reacts swiftly and efficiently: the offender may be

hunted down and disposed of, betrayed to the local police, or chased away. In this way, the yakuza family acts
as an unofficial extension of the police force, preventing trouble and easing the duties of the official police.


Table 34: Yakuza
Experience Points Experience Level 6-sided Dice 
for Accum. 
Hit Points
- - -
0 -- 2,000 1 1
2,001 -- 4,000 2 2
4,001 -- 8,000 3 3
8,001 -- 16,000 4 4
16,001 -- 30,000 5 5
30,001 -- 60,000 6 6
60,001 -- 130,000 7 7
130,001 -- 260,000 8 8
260,001 -- 520,000 9 9
520,001 -- 800,000 10 9 + 1
800,001 -- 1,100,000 11 9 + 2
1,100,001 -- 1,400,000 12 9 + 3


1. SUBCLASS = thief
2. SOCIAL CLASS MINIMUM = roll on Birth Rank table not required, -10 modifier if Birth Rank is determined
    STRENGTH = 11
    WISDOM = 3 <>
    DEXTERITY = 15
    CHARISMA = 16
4. POSSIBLE RACES & MAX. LEVEL ATTAINABLE = korobokuru (10), human (U)
6. HIT DIE TYPE = d6
9. ARMOR PERMITTED = leather, padded
14. ALIGNMENT = LE, LN (rarely LG)
15. STARTING MONEY =  1-3 ch'ien + 2-20 tael (ch'ao) (5-15 gp + 20-200 sp)
18. NON-WEAPON PROFICIENCIES = gaming (free @L1) + see 25.
20. COMBAT = thief
21. SAVING THROWS = thief
23. FAMILY = required
24. HONOR = <x>
    Being discovered by police: -2
    Claiming territory from an opposing yakuza organization: +5
    Being defeated by a commoner: -3
    Selling stolen goods: +1 per 100 ch'ien (500 gp)
25. SKILLS = 3@L1 + gaming