43. Temple Guardpost

This chamber is dark because it has no luminous fungi.
Deep shadows fill this oddly shaped chamber. The silhouette of
an overturned cart is visible in the gloom. Heaps of dirty furs and
soiled straw surround the cart. A few lumps of coal have spilled
out of the cart onto the floor.

6 goblins stand guard here. The overturned mine cart serves as a
bin to hold coal for the fires in areas 42 and 44, and it doubles as
a table for the goblins. Their sleeping furs are filthy and worthless.

Goblins (6): AC 6; MV 6”; HD 1–1; hp 3 <2> each; #AT 1; D 2–5

(horseman’s pick), 1–6 (short sword), or 1–4 (sling). <-1 damage>
<short sword, baselard, cinquedea, katzbalger, model 1832 foot artillery sword, short sword>>
<THACO 20>
<XP: 72 total>

The goblins notice any fighting in areas 42 and join the fray after
2 rounds. In a fight, they use their slings as long as they can and
use their melee weapons when necessary.
