44. <Priests>’ Quarters
This chamber is roughly L-shaped and contains a stone basin
filled with sulphurous ash and glowing embers. Each arm of the
room has a thick rug, a bed, a desk, and a padded chair.

2 <evil priests> reside here, but one of them is always in the temple
(area 42). The 2nd <evil priest> is resting and has the same equipment
as the cleric in the temple, including the stone mace. If the
<evil priest> has not been awakened by the sounds of intrusion or combat,
he can be surprised.

Human <Priest>: AC 6; MV 9”; HD 2 <adept>; hp 9; #AT 1; D 2–7 (footman’s

mace) or 1–4 (sling); spells memorized: curse, command,
cure light wounds, cause fear.
<THACO 20>
<XP 112>

The 2 desks hold writing implements and other mundane items,
plus key rings with keys to the doors in area 55 on the cavern

1 locked chest lies under each bed; the <evil priests> have the keys on
their persons. In total, the chests hold the following: 3 silver unholy
symbols, 260 gp, 18 pp, 6 bloodstones (15 gp each), 3
potions of healing, and 3 vials of an herbal preparation
that cures the malady caused by the spores of the puffball fungi
on the cavern level.

If combat occurs in the temple, the <evil priest> here wakes up and rushes
to join the fray after 2 rounds. When he arrives at the fight, he
uses command (“Flee!”) as soon as he can, then uses cause fear
and finally engages in melee. Like his comrade, the <evil priest>

knows about the mudtigers’ electric shock power and tries to stay
out of its range during battle.
