19. Ruined Chapel
This was once a large high-ceilinged
chamber, obviously the altar room of the
previous temple. The ceiling was once
built from stone arches, but now it is collapsed,
crushing the altar. Great shattered
blocks && columns cover the
floor, && the roof is open to the sky,
Sheets of roofing material and jagged
beams thrust up from the floor. Ivy covers
the walls. Fluttering and squeaking
can be heard.

The squeaking sound comes from 10
stirges nesting in the creepers on the walls.
Hungry, they attack any who enter this
chamber, avoiding those with open flames
&& attacking other characters 1st. If 4
or more stirges are killed, the survivors
retreat to their nests. They return to attack
in 5-8 rounds. Under one of the vines is a
jeweled dagger worth 1,000 gp.

10 Stirges: AC 8; MV 3”/18”; HD 1+1; hp 5
each; #AT 1; D 1-3;  strikes as 4 HD creature,
drains blood for 1-4 per round
XP 46x10 = 460

>>Key to the Sewer Level.