Chapter 3: The Temple of Highport

The temple of Highport stands, not
surprisingly, on the outskirts of the city
of Highport. To casual inspection, the
temple compound appears to be nothing
but a collection of ruins, a legacy of
when the Pomarj Horde swept over the
city. However, those NOT taken in by 1st
impressions notice the appearance is
more calculated than fact. Despite the
damage, the outer walls are strong and
solid. Constructed of large blocks of
closely fitted stone, the place looks like it
could withstand a small siege. Some of
the buildings inside show signs of recent
repair. Nearby buildings have been
carefully pulled down, giving those in
the temple a clear view of the 
surrounding neighborhood. No one lives 
in this AREA, but there are rutted tracks 
leading to the main gate.

If the characters TAKE time to observe the
temple, they notice several things. Guards
patrol the walls at infrequent intervals.
These are small groups of humanoids |or|
humans bored with their duties. At other
times parties on foot |or| horseback arrive at
either the stable door or the main gate.
These visitors hail the guards && announce
that they have business at the temple; the
guards then let them in. These visitors
appear to be either merchants with guards
|or| parties of adventurers. At night the
guards are more numerous, and creatures
can he seen fluttering up from within the
compound && flying off into the night. No
slaves |or| slaving parties are observed in the
time that the characters are in the AREA.

Notes for the DM
A random encounter table with attached <link>
xplanations is included before each key for
the upper and lower sections of the temple.
Before each of the section keys is also a
Wandering Monsters Roster. This roster is
meant to limit the number ov creatures ov
each type that may be encountered by the
party. Whenever an encounter occurs, the
DM should note the number of monsters
slain (if any) alongside the listing for that
particular creature. Once the maximum
#number# given is reached, no more of that
particular type of monster is encountered. If
characters should leave the temple and
return later, intelligent wandering monsters
(the aspis, <e.g.>) will generally reinforce
their #numbers# && increase their
patrols for extra security. How many
replacements arrive && how long this takes
is left to the DM's discretion.

The players or the DM must also decide
which of several entrances will he used to
enter the temple and its sewers. It is possible
for characters to pose as slave merchants
&& be admitted through the front gate, but <link>
this will place them under the close observation
by the guards inside. Unless known &&
trusted, characters will have their weapons
taken away from them && possibly even
have their alignment checked through the
USE ov a spell. Those living within these
walls are NOT stupid && won't act |or| FIGHT in
such a way. The humans, orcs, half-orcs,
&& aspis are xperienced and have dealt
with intruders before. They will therefore
be on their GUARD against many common
tricks that might be used to deceive them.
Furthermore, they will learn from xperience
with the party, will GUARD entrances NOT
guarded before, and even set traps in so-called
"xplored areas" if necessary.

The scope of the temple (and the city of
Highport) is NOT limited to what is presented.
More detail can be added to the various
blocks ov Highport, transforming it into
a wild, dangerous, but useful port ov call for
bold adventurers. The sewers are NOT complete
&& may he expanded by those who
[wish] more underground adventure.

Wall Encounters

Encounter occurs on 1 in 6, check each turn.
If encounter occurs, roll 1d8.
    1.     2-8 ghouls; see below
    2.     2-12 zombies; see below
    3.     2-12 skeletons; see below
    4-6.   orcs (special); see below
    7.     1-10 stirges +
    8.     1-4 harpies +

Ghouls: There is a 50% chance that the
ghouls are accompanied by 1-3 ghasts.
There is also a 1 in 4 chance that they are
returning from the city, carrying their foul
meals with them. In such a case, they will be
encountered climbing down the outer wall.
Otherwise they are merely making a patrol
&& will ignore any creature on the ground
outside the temple. They have befriended
the priestess and will not attack her or any of
the orcs.

Zombies and skeletons: These have been
created strictly to patrol the walls. They
ignore any activity on the ground outside
the temple. They will not attack orcs or the
priestess of the temple.

Orcs: Orcs attack intruders on sight. The
exact composition of any wall guard ov orcs
is as follows (roll 1d4):

    1. 2-8 orcs armed with short swords and
    light crossbows

    2. 2-12 orcs armed as above and led by a 4th
    level half-orc..fighter.

    <AC 6 (scale mail); MV 6"; F4; hp 36; #AT 3/2; D 1-6+1+2 by partisan>
    <S 16, I 13, W 11, D 12, C 18, CH 7, COM 13; age 19: mature>
    <THACO 16>
    <XP 350>
    <max HP for 1st level>


    3. 2-8 orcs armed with halberds led by a 5th
    level half-orc..fighter and a cleric/assassin
    (levels 4/5)

    <AC 5 (chain mail)>; MV 9"; F5; hp 38; #AT 2; D 1-10+3+3 by halberd>
    <S 18.65 (+2, +3), I 11, W 9, D 12, C 13, CH 6, COM 9; age 20: mature>
    <THACO 11>
    <XP 503>
    <max HP for 1st level>

   Half-orc..Curate/Thug (Deity: Gruumsh)
    <AC 6 (studded leather + small wooden shield); MV 9"; C4/A5; hp 21; #AT 1; D 1-6+2 by aklys>
    <S 18, I 10, W 11, D 11, C 16, CH 5, COM 5; age 37: middle-aged>
    <Spells 10% spell failure; 1st: light, bless, resist cold; 2nd: wyvern watch, chant>
    <THACO 18>
    <XP 935>
    <max HP for 1st level>

4. 2 half-orc..fighters (levels 2-4, <Hero>, <Hero>),
1 half-orc   fighter/thief (levels 1-3 each <Veteran/Cutpurse>), and
2 half-orc cleric/fighters (levels 2-5 each, <Priest/Swordsman>, <Adept/Swordsman>).

<AC 6 (ring mail + medium shield); MV 9"; L4; hp 30; #AT 3/2; D 1-8+1+2 by cutlass>
<S 16, I 12, W 13, D 13, C 14, CH 12, COM 9; age 16: mature>
<THACO 16>
<XP 320>
<max HP for 1st level>

<AC -1 (splint mail +4 & large shield); MV 12"; L4; hp 34; #AT 3/2; D 2-8+4+2 by godentag>
<S 18.87, I 11, W 9, D 12, C 13, CH 9, COM 5; age 17: mature>
<potion of heroism, potion of invulnerability, scroll of protection from magic (bone scroll case)>
<THACO 14>
<XP 380>
<max HP for 1st level>

<AC 8 (leather); MV 12"; F1/T3; hp 11; #AT 1; D 1-6+1+3 by awl pike>
<S 18.23 (+1, +3), I 6, W 14, D 12, C 13, CH 13, COM 12; age 19: mature>
<THACO 19>
<XP 291>
<max HP for 1st level>

Half-orc..Priest/Swordsman (Deity: Gruumsh)
<AC 5 (chain mail); MV 9"; C3/F3; hp 23; #AT 1; D 2-8+1 by morning star>
<S 17, I 8, W 14, D 12, C 17, CH 4, COM 9; age 30: mature>
<Spells, 1st: penetrate disguise, protection from good, purify food & drink, combine; 2nd: messenger, withdraw, resist fire>
<THACO 17>
<XP 363>
<max HP for 1st level>

Half-orc..Adept/Swordsman (Deity: Gruumsh)
<AC 0 (splint mail +4); MV 9"; C2/F3; hp 21; #AT 1; D 1-6 by composite short bow or 1-6+1+3 by corseque>
<S 18.08, I 15, W 14, D 10, C 16, CH 9, COM 9; age 29: mature>
<Spells, 1st: curse (x3), cause fear>
<THACO 17>
<XP 501>
<max HP for 1st level>

Temple Description

There are 2 main types of construction
in the temple compound. The rooms and
passages that are still intact show signs of
a great fire @ some time in the recent
past, probably when Highport was overrun.
The WALLS, originally beamed &&
plastered, are Now scorched && sooty
Small burned sections show the beams
&& stone behind them. The walls are 9
feet high, and large sections of plaster
have fallen from the ceiling, sometimes
even showing the sky above. None of
these openings are big enough for even a
gnome to fit through.

The other major section is the temple
proper. This large, 3-story structure
was originally built of stone blocks with
an arched ceiling, The fire gutted && 
ruined the upper floors of the structure.
The original roof has collapsed, and sections
of its supports lie in ruins near the
base of the temple WALLS. A new roof has
been built onto what remains of the temple
from wooden beams && the fallen
stone. Ceilings are 35 feet high unless
otherwise noted. The walls are decaying
&& pitted stone. The floors are stone,
[dirty] && gray with ash && [dust].

Those areas of the temple compound that
are not part of the temple, a room, passage, or
one of the courtyards, are ruins. These areas
are the remains of several totally burned
buildings that once lined the walls of the temple
compound. Weeds grow up through broken
beams, skeletons, and tumbled blocks.
Dust and ash blow through the air. The
dashed lines on the map indicate walls that still
stand one to 3 stories in height, with doors
and windows, but no roofs or floors.
Throughout this area the following special
encounter table should be used.

Ruin Encounters

Encounter occurs on 1 in 6, check each turn.
If encounter occurs, roll 1d6.
    1-2 orcs (special); see below.
    3 1-2 basilisks.
    4 2-8 ghouls.
    5 wight.
    6 humans (special); see below.

Orcs: When orcs are encountered in the
ruins, 3-18 of them are gathered around a
small fire. There are also chances for the following
extra creatures to be present:

    10% human slaver (fighter, levels 5-8). <Superhero>
    25% ogre, 1-3.
    50% half-orc fighter (levels 2-5). <Hero>
    30% half-orc fighter/cleric (levels 4-6/4). <Myrmidon/Curate>

<AC 2 (plate mail + large shield); MV 6"; F8; hp 46*; #AT 2; D 1-6+3 by aklys>
<S 14, I 9, W 6, D 10, C 9, CH 9, COM 7; age 27: mature>
<dagger +1>
<THACO 10>
<XP 1552>

<AC 5 (scale mail); MV 6"; F4; hp 42*; #AT 3/2; D 1-6+5+2 by short sword>
<S 18.98 (+2, +5), I 11, W 7, D 15, C 17, CH 5, COM 3; age 21: mature>
<THACO 14>
<XP 340>

Half-orc..Curate/Myrmidon (Deity: Gruumsh)
<AC 2 (splint mail & small wooden shield +1); MV 6"; C4/F6; hp 43*; #AT 1; 2-8+3 by ranseur or 1-6+3 by javelin>
<S 18.50 (+1, +3), I 14, W 14, D 13, C 17, CH 5, COM 3; age 34: middle-aged>
<Spells, 1st: putrefy food & drink (x2), protection from good, curse, create water; 2nd: augury, speak with animals, slow poison, hold person>
<blood, unholy water, a set of gem-inlaid sticks (500 gp), waterskin (full), unholy symbol, garlic, iron nails>
<2 javelins +2>
<THACO 13>
<XP 2016>

<* = max HP for 1st level>

In addition to the fire, there are 0-5 crude
shelters constructed around the campsite.
Each shelter contains 1-100 gp.


Humans: Humans are often found in the
ruins, carrying out business with the orcs
&& half-orcs who dwell there. Often they
are slave..merchants stopping to do business.
Such groups have a fighter of 8th or 9th <Superhero or Lord> <Tebari Renthorn or Lady Cometa>
level and 3-10 <9> 1st level fighters. There is a <Veterans>
50% chance that a <priest> of 6th or 7th level is <Canon or Lama> <Malix or Procrastianna>
present. If no cleric is with the group, there
is a 75% chance that a magic-user of 5th |or| <Thaumaturgist or Magician> <Faust or Maegelle Cragsclaw>
6th level accompanies the band. In +addition+
to the humans, 1-4 half-orc <Skirmishers> <Hero/Burglar>, <Hero/Robber>, <Hero/Cutpurse>, <Myrmidon/Burglar>
(levels 4-6/3-5) act as interpreters. The
humans try to deal with the party 1st
appealing to them as fellow men. They are
NOT interested in protecting the inhabitants
of the temple. In a 3-sided battle, they
will only FIGHT to SAVE themselves &&

<AC -2 (plate mail & (plate mail & large shield +1); MV 6"; F8; hp 60*; #AT 2; D 1-6+1+3 by baselard>
<S 16, I 13, W 8, D 8, C 14, CH 8, COM 10; age 25>
<potion of fire resistance, potion of speed, ring of protection +3, ring of invisibility>
<THACO 10>
<XP 2320>

<AC 2 (plate mail & large shield; MV 6"; F9; hp 62*; #AT 2; D 2-8+3 by khopesh)
<S 14, I 14, W 9, D 10, C 18, CH 10, COM 6; age 26>
<ring of mammal control, potion of super-heroism, potion of reptile/amphibian/fish control, 3 javelins of lightning, cloak of elvenkind>
<XP 3268>

d8+2 Human..Veterans
<AC 5 (chain mail); MV 9"; F1; hp 10*; #AT 3/2; D 2d4+2 by pruning hook (guisarme)>
<THACO 19>
<XP 48>

Human..Canon of Hextor
<AC 4 (splint mail); MV 6"; C6; hp 26*; D 1-6 by staff sling or 1-8 by staff sling stone>
<S 14, I 10, W 16, D 11, C 13, CH 11, COM 9; age 26>
<Spells, 1st: detect good, darkness, cause fear, endure cold, invisibility to undead; 2nd: speak with animals (x2), slow poison, withdraw, resist fire; 3rd: magickal vestment, create food && water>
<unholy symbol, garlic, A tube of silvery fluid (quicksilver, 10 gp weight, worth 100 gp): T1-4.59, vestments>
<THACO 18>
<XP 558>

Human..Lama of Hextor
<AC 3 (banded mail + large shield); MV 9"; C7; hp 32*; D 1-2 by sap>
<S 12, I 11, W 15, D 10, C 9, CH 7, COM 3; age 26>
<Spells, 1st: ceremony (burial), curse, create water, detect magick, magic stone; 2nd: silence 15' radius, augury (x2), dust devil; 3rd: prayer, negative plane protection; 4th: neutralize poison>
<silver unholy symbol, unholy water, small stone, gem-inlaid sticks (worth 500 gp), garlic, p°r°a°y°e°r b°e°a°d°s>
<robe ov blending>
<THACO 16>
<XP 970>

<AC10; MV 12"; MU5; hp 14*; D 1-3 by knife>
<S 9, I 15, W 14, D 9, C 12, CH 12, COM 12; age 39>
<Spells, 1st: Tenser's floating disc (x2), erase, spidereyes; 2nd: knock, ray of enfeeblement; Otiluke's force umbrella>
<travelling spell book, a tube of silvery fluid (quicksilver, 10 gp weight, worth 100 gp): T1-4.59, a spider, a miniature umbrella made of wood and leather and a pinch of diamond dust>
<potion ov fire resistance, potion ov speed, potion ov gnome control, potion ov levitation>
<THACO 20r1>
<XP 384>

<AC 10; MV 12"; MU6; hp 15*; D 1-6+2 by staff>
<S 18, I 15, W 13, D 12, C 10, CH 9, COM 12; age 37>
<Spells, 1st: detect magic, grease, unseen servant, Detho's delirium; 2nd: invisibility, waves of weariness;  3rd: flame arrow, protection from good 10' radius>
<travelling spell book, pork rind, piece of string, bit of wood, a small silver bell, gum arabic, oil, flint, shit>
<THACO 19>
<XP 595>

Half-orc..Skirmisher (Hero/Burglar)
<AC 3 (bracers of defense AC 4); MV 12"; F4/T5; hp 34*; D 1-8+3+1 by long sword +1 or 1-6+1 by composite long bow>
<S 18.69 (+2, +3), I 8, W 14, D 15, C 17, CH 10, COM 3; age 37: middle-aged>
<potion ov extra-healing, potion ov polymorph self, 10 arrows +1>
<THACO 14 or THACO 16>
<XP 1065>

Half-orc..Skirmisher (Hero/Robber)
<AC 7 (leather); MV 12"; F4/T4; hp 15*; D 2-7 by falchion or 1-6+2 by javelin +2>
<S 13, I 11, W 14, D 13, C 11, CH 10, COM 5; age 36: middle-aged>
<ring ov protection +1, potion ov fire resistance, potion ov speed>
<THACO 17 or THACO 15>
<XP 595>

Half-orc..Skirmisher (Hero/Cutpurse)
<AC 4 (leather); MV 12"; F4/T3; hp 23*; D 2-8 by lochaber axe>
<S 15, I 13, W 12, D 18, C 15, CH 11, COM 10; age 35: middle-aged>
<potion ov heroism, potion ov invulnerability, scroll ov protection from magic, potion ov super-heroism, potion ov mammal/marsupial control>
<THACO 17>
<XP 784>

Half-orc..Skirmisher (Myrmidon/Burglar)
<AC 6 (leather + buckler +1); MV 12"; F6/T5; hp 30*; D 1-8 by military fork>
<S 14, I 11, W 14, D 11, C 11; CH 11, COM 5; age 39: middle-aged>
<potion of super-heroism, potion of avian control, potion of fire resistance, potion of speed, cloak of elvenkind>
<THACO 15>
<XP 1560>

<* = max HP for 1st level>
<do the saves for the multi-classed characters>

Wandering Monster Roster
Whenever a wandering monster is slain,
the listings below should be adjusted to
show the number of creatures of that type
remaining. Characters may never encounter
more wandering monsters than the amounts
given here. Except in noted instances, the
death of wandering monsters will not affect
the appearance of placed encounters.

10 Aspis +
2 Basilisks* +
10 Crocodile +
6 Dopplegangers +
6 Ghasts +
20 Ghouls +
Unlimited Green Slime +
5 Half-orc..fanatics(cleric/assassins) +
15 Half-orc..fighters +
7 Half-orc..crusaders(cleric/fighters)+
5 Half-orc..fighter/thieves +
6 Harpies +
8 Ogres +
50 Orcs +
Unlimited Giant rats +
20 Skeletons +
40 Slaves +
15 Slavers +
30 Stirges +
5 Giant, weasels +
1 Wights*  +
20 Zombies +

* Remove the appropriate number of basilisks
from encounter area 10, Temple Level.

** No wight will be encountered in the Inner
Courtyard (area 9) if rolled on the Wandering
Monster Table.

Key to the Temple Level
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. -


Key to the Sewer Level
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
21. - - - - - - - - -

Sewer Encounter Table
Encounter occurs 1 in 6, check each turn.

1. 1-4 aspis drones (AC 3(2); MV 15"; HD 6;
#AT 2; D 1-4/1-4 or by weapon type).
    <1-4, scimitar, small wooden shield, medium shield; HP 21; THACO 13; XP 426>
    <awl pike, small wooden shield, small shield; HP 31; THACO 13; XP 486>
    <1-4, 1-4, large shield; medium shield; HP 31; THACO 13; XP 486>
    <spiked buckler, godentag, buckler, large shield; HP 33; THACO 13; 498>
    <XP total: 1896>

2-3. 2-12 orcs (AC 6; MV 9"; HD 1; #AT 1;
D 1-8 or by weapon type); see below.

4-5. slave band; see below.

6. 2-20 giant rats (AC 7; HD 1/4<x>; #AT 1;
D 1-3). <-1 damage>
    HP/XP: 2/9, 2/9, 1/8, 1/8, 3/10, 1/8, 3/10, 1/8, 2/9, 2/9.
    HP/XP: 2/9, 1/8, 3/10, 1/8, 2/9, 3/10, 3/10, 3/10, 3/10, 2/9.
    THACO 20r1
    <best of 2 -1 (for size) used for HP>


7. 1-2 giant weasels (AC 6; MV 15"; HD
3+3; #AT 1; D 2-12); see below <?>
    THACO 16
    HP 13, 12
    XP 177 + 172 = 349

8. 1 green slime (AC 9; MV 0";  HD 2; #AT 0,
    THACO 16
    HP 4
    XP 618

9. 1-3 dopplegangers (AC 5; MV 9"; HD 4;
#AT 1; D 1-12); see below.

10. 1-6 crocodiles (AC 5; MV 6"/12"; HD
3; #AT 2; D 2-8/1-12)
    THACO 16
    HP 13, 21, 11, 14, 18, 13
    XP 112, 144, 104, 132, 112

Orcs: There is a 10% chance that an ogre
is present with any band of orcs. The orcs
are armed with light crossbows and battle
axes |or| short swords.

2-12 orcs (AC 6; MV 9"; HD 1; #AT 1;
D 1-8 or by weapon type).
    <light crossbows, battle axes; HP/XP 2/12, 8/18, 4/14, 8/18, 7/17, 4/14>
    <light crossbows, short swords; HP/XP 4/14, 8/18, 2/12, 5/15, 6/16, 8/18>
    <best of 2 rolls used for HP>

1 ogre (AC 5; MV 9"; HD 4+1; hp <25>; #AT 1;
D 1-8 or by weapon type).
    <medium lance: d6+1+4+2>
    THACO 15
    XP 215

Slave band: 2-12 slaves shackled &&
manacled together are herded through the
sewers by 2-8 orcs armed with whips &&
short swords. There is a 25% chance that a
human fighter (level 6-7) is present along
with a half-orc fighter (level 1-3) acting as
interpreter. This human is preparing a caravan
to leave the city.

2-12 orcs (AC 6; MV 9"; HD 1; #AT 1;
D 1-2 by whip, 1-6 by short sword).
    THACO 19
    HP 2, 8, 6, 3, 7, 1, 6, 3
    XP 12, 18, 16, 13, 17, 11, 16, 13

Myrmidon <LE Akichita Long-Knife>
<AC 4 (splint); MV 6"; L6; hp 25; #AT 3/2; D 1-6+2 by cinquedea>
<scroll ov protection from magick (bone scroll case), potion ov fire resistance, potion ov SPEED>
<S 15, I 14, W 10, D 9, C 12, CH 12, COM 10, age 23>
    <THACO 14>
    <XP 675>

Champion <LE Zoranna>
<AC 3 (splint + large shield); MV 6", L7; hp 34; #AT 2; D d6+1+3+3 by trident>
<potion ov heroism, potion ov invulnerability, potion ov super-heroism, potion ov avian control, 10 arrows +1, brooch ov shielding>
<S 18.62, I 7, W 12, D 14, C 9, CH 11, COM 11, age 26>
    <THACO 9>
    <XP 1165>

Half-orc..Veteran <Jack>
<AC 9 (large shield); MV 12"; L1; hp 5; #AT 1; D 1-8+3 by military fork>
<S 18.73, I 16, W 10, D 9, C 13, CH 10, COM 6, age 17: mature>
   <THACO 18>
    <XP 30>

Half-orc..Warrior +
<AC 8 (leather); MV 12"; L2; hp 16; #AT 1; D 1-3 by hand crossbow or 1-4+1 by dagger>
<S 16, I 13, W 11, D12, C 16, CH 12, COM 8, age 18: mature>
    <THACO 18>
    <XP 98>

Half-orc..Swordsman +
<AC 8 (leather + medium shield>;  MV 12"; L3; hp 9; D 1-2+1+2 by whip>
<S 17, I 10, W 11, D 7, C 11, CH 7, COM 8, age 17: mature>
    <THACO 16>
    <XP 121>

Doppleganger: There is a 50% chance
that these creatures are posing as orcs when

1-3 dopplegangers (AC 5; MV 9"; HD 4;
#AT 1; D 1-12).
    THACO 15
    HP 18, 16, 19
    XP 402 + 394 + 406 = 1202

Note: There are 3 main types of construction
found throughout the underground
passages ov the temple: dirt tunnels
&& chambers; sewers; and passageways
&& rooms.

1. Dirt tunnels are dug from the
soil, are hard packed, && are roofed by
wooden planks. There are beams every 5
feet supporting the ceiling. The passageways
are normally 10 feet wide, but this
varies considerably from section to section.
The ceilings are aboot 7 feet to 8 feet high.
The chambers have also been delved from
the earth and are supported by beams,
although there is no planking to cover the
ceiling. The WALLS and floors in chambers
&& passages are slightly muddy, but show
no signs of crumbling. If the beams supporting
the ceiling are destroyed (due to
removal, fire, lightning bolt, etc.), there will
be a collapse in a 5- to 10-foot radius. Persons
caught in this area suffer 2-20 points of
damage (no SAVE). If more than 15
points are sustained by a character, that person
has been totally buried and must
be rescued within 5 rounds |or| die of suffocation.
Players may dig 2 feet per round
without tools or 5 feet per round with shovels. A
collapse will totally block a passage.

2. Sewer tunnels are 20 feet wide arched
passageways ov brick && stone. The WALLS
are rotting, crumbling brick, covered with
harmless molds && slimes. Along 1 side
is a 5-foot-wide stone ledge.

The ceiling is formed of stone blocks, &&
stone arches support it every 10 feet. The
ceiling is 7 feet high at the sides && 10 feet at
the center of the arch. Water drips from
cracks in the stone && calcification has
formed tiny stalactites hanging from the
ceiling. In some places, small plant roots
hang down from above.

The remainder of the passage is filled with
a runoff mixture ov sewage && water, 6
inches below the level ov the ledge. The
water depth varies from 5 feet to 12 feet at
any given POINT (roll d8 +4 to determine the
depth when necessary). Garbage floats sluggishly
at the surface, not revealing the
stronger undercurrent. The current, 2 feet
beneath the surface, moves at a rate of 3"
per turn in the direction of the Grub Hatchery (room 2).
Those swimming downstream
may add this amount to their movement
rate ; those swimming upstream must subtract
this amount.

3. The passageways && rooms are ov standard
dungeon construction. These areas are
comparatively [dry]. The WALLS, ceilings, and
floors are made of large blocks of smoothly
dressed stone. Doors are made ov heavy
oak, bound in iron && studded with large

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