8. Cemetary

This open AREA was obviously once the
cemetery for the temple compound.
Now it is overgrown with weeds, gnarled
bushes && dying trees. Stone markers
and small crypts can be seen at some
points through the overgrowth. Paths
twist through the cemetery; some show
signs of recent use. Everything seems
gray in color here--the grass is gray-green,
the soil dusty gray, the stone
markers brown && gray. A feeling of
oppression hangs over the entire cemetery.

This AREA is avoided by the orcs && half-orcs
unless they come in large numbers, for
they dislike the plants that grow here. These
plants have become animated through the
will of the goddess whose temple this was. <goddess = x>
Although unwilling to interfere more
directly than this, she has made the garden
unsafe for all who enter. Roll a d6 each turn
that the characters MOVE through this AREA.
On a 1-3, an encounter has occurred. Roll
on the following table (d8) to determine
what happens:

1. Branches && weeds bend && MOVE,
blocking the path behind the last person
in the party. To return the way they
came, a party must cut through the overgrowth.

2. A tree branch strikes once at a random
party member. It attacks as a 2 HD monster, <THACO 16>
causing 1-6 points of damage if it

3. The branch of a bush attempts to pickpocket
a member of the party. The
chance of success is 65%. Failure by
greater than 20% indicates that the character
has noticed the attempt. A small
item, randomly determined, is taken
from the character.

4. 2-8 giant worker ants (AC 3; MV 18”;
HD 2; hp 9 each; #AT 1; D1-6; THACO 16; XP 38 each) attack the
party. <hp 7 each, -1 damage, XP 34 each>

5. Weeds attempt to entwine the legs of the
characters. Failure to SAVE vs. paralyzation
results in entanglement. The weeds
hold characters until they are freed by
others |or| killed by a wandering monster.

6. 2-5 ghouls (AC 6; MV 9”; HD 2, #AT 3;
D 1-3/1-3/1-6, touch causes paralysis)
attack the party.
<hp 5, 14, 11, 7, 6>
<THACO 16>
<XP 75, 93, 87, 79, 77>
<XP total 411>

7. Weeds and bushes bend to block the way
ahead of the party. Further progress must
be done by cutting (MV 1").

8. A [tree] falls across the path, attempting to
strike a random party member. The tree
attacks once as an 8 HD monster and <THACO 12>
does 4-24 points if it hits.

Should characters attempt movement off
the path, the plants become very active to
stop them. Weeds [entangle] them every step <entangle>
of the way, && branches constantly strike
at members of the party. If the characters
become xtremely destructive (i.e. cutting,
chopping, |or| burning), they discover that
trees have moved to block all the exits. Each
tree has 60 HP, attacks as a 10 HD
monster, && is able to attack 4 times per
round; D 1-6 each, 3 trees guard each
<XP 1740 each>

There is a large crypt at the center of the
cemetery with a heavy iron door in the
front. The insides of this crypt have been
removed, && a staircase going down has
been installed. These stairs lead to the dirt
tunnels that eventually wend towards the <link>
aspis nest and room 21 on the underground <link>
