4. Parlor
Ahead in the corridor is a ghostly white 
shape hovering above the floor just
beyond an archway. No noise comes
from it and it seems to shift slowly. The
corridor is dusty and looks seldom traveled.
Cobwebs drape the ceiling in little
feathery patches.

The figure is the webbed form of a dead
adventurer, hung as a lure by 2 giant spiders.
The spiders are on the ceiling, concealed
as piles of cobwebs above the arches.
They surprise the party on a roll of 1-3 on

The spiders cut a web free to fall in a 10
foot x 10 foot AREA upon the largest group
near the lure. Surprised party members are
caught: others must save vs. Paralvzation to
avoid the trap.

Those caught free themselves in a number
of rounds equal to 19 minus the Strength of
the character. Fire or a burning hands spell
destroy the web, but also do <fire> damage to
those inside the web. Oil or a torch cause 2-8
points of <fire> damage.

Once the party is webbed, the spiders
attack, carefully keeping their targets
between other party members and themselves
selves. Thus the spiders cannot be shot by
missiles and must be engaged in melee. All
attacks from those trapped by the web are at
-4 to hit. Attacks upon those trapped are at
+2 to hit.

The corpse in the web bundle is a shriveled
husk, with a strange grimace upon its
face and its hand at its chin. Between its stiff
jaws is a ring of infravision. (Dragon #82, 1000 XP, 5000 GP)
In a pouch at its waist are 10 pp.

2 Giant spiders: AC 4; HD 4+4; hp 26, 20;
#AT 1: D 2-8 + poison
XP 455, 415
