6. The hanging rope
Hanging from the center of the ceiling of
this bare 50-foot by 30-foot by 20-foot
room is a thick (6-inch) rope. There are
no visible exits from this roam.

There is a secret door directly opposite
the door the party enters by. It may be
detected in the normal way. The only way
to open the secret door is to pull firmly on
the rope; it always works. Opening the
secret door triggers the floor to fold back
against the walls, dropping anyone in the
room (except anyone holding on to the
rope) 10 feet down into a pool of clear liquid.
The pool is filled to the depth of 1 foot
with acid, causing 1 to 8 points of
damage per round. The fall does 1 to 6
points of damage (so the initial damage will
be d6 plus d8 points). Characters who
escape the pool continue to take 1 point
of damage each round until they remove the
acid from their skin and clothing with
water, wine, or some similar material. This
takes only 1 round.

Any unprepared character who pulled the
rope (or who was holding the rope when the
floor fell) may hang onto the rope by rolling
his or her Strength or less on a d20. A character <Ability Checks, WSG>
who succeeds may swing back and
forth and reach the door on either side of the
room. A character who fails drops into the
acid, leaving the rope hanging in the center
of the room. (If this happens, the characters
may fly or levitate to the rope, try to snag it
with several long items tied together, or
attempt to leap to it.) Leaping has a chance <Jump, WSG>
of success equal to the character's Strength
plus Dexterity plus 40%. Success means
that the character has caught the rope and
can swing back and forth to either door.
Failure means the character has fallen into
the acid and is stunned for 2 rounds. The
acid cannot be gathered or transported
unless the characters have special containers
-- clay pottery or glass vials.
