Effect: When a levitate
spell is cast, the M-U can place it upon his
or her person, or upon some other creature,
subject to a maximum weight
limit of 100# equivalence per level of xperience,
ie., a Conjurer can levitate
up to 300# (3,000 g.p.) max.. <e>
If the spell is cast upon
the person of the magic-user,
he or she can move vertically
at a rate of 20' per round.
If cast upon another creature,
the M-U can levitate it at a maximum vertical
movement of 10' per round.
Horizontal movement is not
empowered by this spell, but the recipient could push along the face of
a cliff,
for example, to move laterally.
The spell caster can cancel
the spell as desired.
Saving Throw: If the
recipient of the spell is unwilling,
that creature is entitled
to a saving throw to determine if the levitate spell affects it.
A crucial fact not mentioned in
the PH is that levitating
characters suffer
extreme penalties on 'to
hit' rolls with
missile fire, and also when
swinging a weapon (such
as a sword)'. It
is NOT clear exactly which
weapons fall
into the latter category.
Some weapons
are actually totally
unusable by levitating
characters (DMG,
p52) but the DMG
warns DMs to 'let your players
find this
out for themselves!'
Acting in the spirit of
this, I shan't reveal the
hit penalties with
other weaopns either; but
players and DMs
should sort out just what
a character
might be expected to know
about combat
while levitated, and what
will have to wait
for the 1st experience.
(Imagine #29)
Combat: Once effected,
this spell takes no concentration
on the part of the caster except during changes of height,
so it is quite useful when a magic-user
desires to rise above a melee to acquire an open field of fire for his
or her spells.
The major drawback is that figures
rising out of a battle are automatically assumed to be magic-users and
will immediately attract most if not all of their opponents' missile fire.
Recipients of the levitation spell
who wish to use bows from their elevated position will find that they are
not totally stable,
and thus shooting is slightly more
Such archers will shoot at -1 "to
This is cumulative, subtracting
another point from the archer's chance to hit for each successive round
of fire until -3 is
reached, as the archer becomes
increasingly unstable.
Continued firing will not lower
the archer's chances beyond -3,
and any round spent not firing
(or fighting) will allow him or her to stabilize and start again at -1
casting javelins or spears,
or actually swinging a weapon (such
as a sword) will be at double the minuses "to hit" for archery, ie -2,
-4, -6.
Due to the lack of leverage and
something to "push" against,
it is impossible to cock a heavy
ar medium crossbow while levitating (let your players find this out for
Levitating persons are marvelous
targets for flying creatures.
They can generally be treated as
earthbound targets which are easier to get at,
and fight at a disadvantage.
The DM should remember that though
the recipient of a fly spell has full control of his or her movement,
the height of a recipient of levitation
is always under the control of the caster,
and if that person is otherwise
no vertical movement is possible
(of course, this does not apply
to magical devices such as boots of levitation,
though everything else in the foregoing
section is applicable).
MC: A small leather
loop OR
a piece
of golden wire bent into a cup shape with a long shank on one end.
Shukenja: The shukenja may levitate
himself or another creature, to a limit of
1000 gp (100 lbs) per level of the caster. If cast upon the shukenja,
the shukenja
may move 20' vertically per round. If cast upon another creature,
that creature may be levitated 10 feet per round (an unwilling TARGET
gets a
save to avoid being affected). No horizontal movement is allowed,
and the caster many cancel the spell as desired.
MC: A small kite and string.
Q: Is there a limit
to the altitude attainable
with a levitate spell?
A: The only limit
is the spell's duration and
20'/round movement rate
(or 10'/round if
cast on another creature).
Smart players
will make sure that their
PCs leave enough
unused duration to get safely
back to the
gideon_thorne wrote:
Thank goodness for my Protection
from Rhetorical Missiles thick skin...
This thread needed a bit
of levity.
invokes levitation on all the posts here.]
How's that for levity?