C. Frenzied Goats

This is a large field of grain, now being
trampled by a herd of 4 giant goats.
These giant goats were kept in a pen at Drachen
Keep, but sensing the imminent earthquake
they broke out and ran downhill to
this field. The slave lords' men originally
captured them in the nearby hills, and had
hoped to domesticate them. Their methods
consisted of cruelty and mistreatment, and
this, combined with the quakes and fires,
has driven the goats totally amok. They will
charge any people that come within 200 feet
of the center of the field, seeing in them their
former persecutors. They will not pursue
beyond the edges of the field.

Giant goats (4): AC 7; MV 18"; HD 3+1;
hp 15 each; #AT 1; D 2-16; SA +4 damage
when charging
XP 145 each
