The Slave Lords

Listed below are the statistics and crucial
information concerning the 9 slave lords
of the Inner Council. In addition to these
nine, there are a number of minor slave
lords who handle important operations in
the field. However, these 9 decide all
matters of policy.

When the slave lords are encountered at
the docks, spells, magickal items, and hit
points listed in parentheses are not available
to them.

Human 10th level fighter (Lord). neutral evil
Str 18/25 Dex 15 Con 16
Int 15 Wis 12 Cha 18
Hit Points: 90 Armor Class: -1
Abilities: 3/2 attacks per round
+3 damage bonus for Strength
Equipment: scimitar +2, chain mail +2,
<large> shield +2, heavy crossbow, throwing

Human 11th level assassin (Senior Assassin), neutral evil
Str 16 Dex 17 Con 13
Int 14 Wis 17 Cha 15
Hit Points: 58 AC: 2
Abilities: backstab x4, move silently 75%,
hide in shadows 61%
Equipment: longsword +1, dagger + 1 (poisoned
with insinuative poison, 35 hp
damage if save vs. poison is failed, no
additional damage for successful save),
leather armor +1 , potion of invisibility

Human 11th level cleric (High Priest), neutral evil
Str 15 Dex 17 Con 13
Int 14 Wis 17 Cha 11
Hit Points: (52) 31 Armor Class: 3
Abilities: +3 on saving throw vs. mental
Equipment: footman's mace +2, bracers of
defense AC 6, (ring of spell storing with
word of recall)
Spells: detect good, light, penetrate disguise,
resist fire, slow poison, meld into
stone, negative plane protection, protection
from good 10’ radius, flame strike,
blade barrier, cure liaht wounds, sanctuary,
chant, silence 15’ radius, continual
light, feign death, tongues,
divination, true seeing

Human 9th level magic-user (Sorcerer), lawful evil
Str 13 Dex 17 Con 11
Int 18 Wis 10 Cha 14
Hit Points: 32 AC 5
Equipment: dagger +1, cloak of protection
+2, staff of power (3 charges), crystal
ball with clairaudience, ring of spell storing
holding dispel magick, shocking
grasp, wall of force (all level 9) <x>
Spells: armor, identity, magic missile, taunt,
ESP, irritation, scare, blink, fireball,
slow, Evards black tentacles, cone of
cold, polymorph self

Drow 5th level fighter/4th level cleric (Swashbuckler/Curate),
chaotic evil
Str 9 Dex 16 Con 17
Int 17 Wis 11 Cha 17
Hit Points: 20 AC: 5
Abilities: +2 saving throw vs. magic, 40%
magic resistance, dancing lights, faerie
fire, darkness 15’ radius, detect magick,
know alignment, levitate-, clairvoyance,
detect lie, suggestion, dispel magic (all
usable once per day); -2 to hit, +2 to be
hit, and AC 7 in bright daylight
Equipment: black leather armor, black
shield, ring of warmth
Spells: cause fear, detect good, resist cold,
chant, spiritual hammer, blindness, dispel
magic, giant insect, silence 15’

Human 9th level monk (as in Oriental
Adventures), lawful evil
Str 15 Dex 15 Con 13
Int 14 Wis 15 Cha 11
Hit Points:  35 AC:  3
Abilities: +4 points of damage with
weapon; Martial arts; #AT 2, D 2d6 + 1;
Special maneuvers: missile deflection,
fall, flying kick, circle kick; move
silently 70%, hide in shadows 56%, Surprise
18%, ESP resistance 80%; immune
to haste, slow; feign death, heal 4-7
points/day, reduce magical damage to 0
on successful save (half damage if save is
failed) 9 times per day, 50% immune
to charm, hypnosis, and suggestion.
Armor Class: 3
Equipment: dagger

Half-orc 7th level fighter/7th level assassin,
(Champion/Cutthroat) lawful evil
Str 17 Dex 12 Con 17
Int 16 Wis 12 Cha 7
Hit Points: (53) 35 Armor Class: 7
Abilities: #AT 312. +I to hit and damage,
backstab x3, move silently 55%. hide in
shadows 43%
Equipment: leather armor, longsword (poisoned,
save vs. poison +4 or 15 hit
points of damage in 2-5 rounds, full
damage on first hit and half damage on
second hit, no additional damage on any
hit thereafter. Theg can recoat the sword
in 1 round from supply on belt), 5 daggers

Human 8th level illusionist (Apparitionist) lawful evil
Str 7 Dex 17 Con 15
Int 16 Wis 10 Cha 12
Hit Points: 21" AC: 7
Equipment: dagger +1, cloak of displacement
Spells: detect invisibility, hypnotism,
phantasmal force, detect magic, dispel
illusion, improved invisibility, hypnotic
pattern, invisibility, fear

Human 10th level thief (Master Thief), neutral evil
Str 10 Dex 18 Con 12
Int 15 Wis 13 Cha 16
Hit Points: 30 AC: 3
Abilities: backstab x4, move silently 88%.
hide in shadows 73%
Equipment: longsword, leather armor +2,
gauntlets of swimming and climbing