3. Realm of the Sandling
This shaded section of the tunnel is the
territory at a sandling. As the party enters
this area, 1 member (chosen at random)
will feel something rasp across his or her
foot. Almost immediately thereafter, other
characters feel something touch their feet.
Infant sandlings are scurrying all about this
area, running into characters just by
chance. They are invisible to infravision,
and cannot be caught due to their SPEED and
mutable forms. Though players may be
somewhat alarmed by these creatures, they
are harmless.

Their parent is not harmless at all. When

the party reaches the center of the territory,
the adult sandling will attack the foremost
character. If no light source is being used by
the party, it will surprise on 1-5 (d6); otherwise
it will surprise only on 1-3. The will-o-wisp
will not be near enough to act as a light
source until the 2nd round, when it will
come rushing to the battle.

Adult sandling: AC 3; MV 12" (6"); HD 4;
hp 20; #AT 1; D 2-16; SD immune to
sleep, hold and charm-type spells
