K. Ruined Suderham
The guard towers of Suderham have
fallen, but the outer walls are mostly
intact, except for the south wall. Ugly
yellow vapors from the volcano are
flowing down the shallow gorge, over
the tumbled south wall, and into the
town. Wisps of the ground-hugging gas
occassionally pass around the corners of
the walled town. Wherever people
encounter the vapors, they cough and
choke, and flee if they can.

Less than an hour after the beginning of
the eruption, Suderham is already a town of
the dead. The poisonous gases flowing into
the town have asphyxiated all those who
could not or would not leave. The vapors
are heavier than air, but they are gradually
rising as more gas flows down the shallow
gorge and is trapped within the walls of the
town. Eventually it will reach the top of the
walls and spill over, sending toxic gases out
over Scumslum and the docks area.

If any characters are foolish enough to
enter into or permit themselves to be enveloped
by these vapors, they suffer the same
fate as befell many Suderham unfortunates.
The 1st round of breathing will produce
uncontrollable coughing and choking in the
victim. For each round thereafter spent in
the gases, the character must save vs. poison
at +2 or die. (The DM can use this
threat to spur on the players, if the
approaching magmen aren't enough. If the
players pass close to the town, they may see
enough to make them aware of the danger.
If not, they will hear of it from a fleeing citizen.
It will be dramatic if, just as the party is
escaping the island, the vapors start to pour
out of Suderham and cover the north end.)
